Monday, February 26, 2024

 Do no forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some have unwittingly entertained angels. Hebrews 13:2

 A few days ago, I was running errands in town and passed by an area frequented by homeless people. Several times I passed by, I noticed this man sitting up against a building with his baggage. You could clearly tell he was homeless as he had a long beard and looked very scruffy. Each time I drove by, it seemed like he was looking right at me. After my final errand, I felt compelled to buy him a bag of Dairy Queen food, which I did and stopped by to give it to him.

 When I pulled up, I said, “I have something for you”. Without hesitation, he looked up and said “You have something for me?” with a very surprised look on his face. He said he couldn’t get up, so I brought it to him and he was forever grateful. What really impacted me was his statement saying “you have something for me?”.  From his expression, I could tell that he probably hasn’t been given anything in a long while. My heart broke for this man. I also provided him a bible tract and was on my way. Later that day I went by the area again and he was gone, no where to be found.

 Today’s verse is a good reminder to always have an eye for those in need and when prompted (most likely by the Holy Spirit), act upon that nudging, either by providing food, money, or simply just having a conversation with them. Like this man who hasn’t been shown much love, they too will probably soak up your generosity, and who knows, you might be entertaining an angel. God bless!


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