Friday, February 9, 2024

 I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye. Psalm 32:8

 How well do you drive at night? For some people, like my wife, it’s difficult to see the roadway, especially when cars approach. I recall one dark night, there was no light from the moon, the pavement was wet from a recent rain and the roadway and its surroundings were pitch black. My headlights were absorbed into the wet pavement, making it very difficult to see any further than 20 feet ahead. Thankfully, the roadway had reflective paint on the side which helped me stay centered and I arrived safely at my intended destination.  

 As a child of God, you have to realize this world is not your home. The world and its ways, standards, and morals are like that dark road, and can quickly steer even the most devout Christian off course. That is why it is critical to stay grounded in God’s word on a daily basis, pray continually, and avoid those easily accessible detours (sin) that entices you to partake of it’s temporary pleasures. Putting your trust in God will help you navigate even the darkest times of your life and lead you down the path of righteousness.

 Do you struggle in this life? Maybe the sinful pleasures of lust, greed, deception, immoral relationships and more have caused you to veer off God’s path. God promises to forgive those who come to Him seeking His grace and mercy and He will restore you back to the pathway through this dark world. Let God guide you with His light, His eye of wisdom, so you’ll pass safely through this life as you journey towards Heaven! God bless!



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