Friday, February 16, 2024

 But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to fulfill its lusts. Romans 13:14

 It makes sense for a recovering alcoholic to avoid places that serve alcohol, a recovering drug addict to avoid certain people and places known for the use and sale of drugs, and those on a diet to avoid restaurants that serve food buffet style. The human mind is a powerful tool, and without willpower, it will be defeated by the things that tempt it to go back to the way and life they’ve always known.

 As said in the above paragraph, everyone has a weakness. That weakness is a tool used oftentimes by Satan to keep oneself imprisoned by it’s lure to indulge in the very thing that weakens or tries to destroy a person’s character and witness. You hear in the news about grown men indulging in pornography and eyeing young girls to fulfill fantasies playing out in their minds. Sadly, I know of one older man who fell prey to this temptation and now sits in jail because he crossed the line of morality, and his reputation and future don’t look good.

 What’s your weakness? Today’s passage provides a clear and simple answer how to overcome, MAKE NO PROVISION FOR THE FLESH, TO FULFILL ITS LUSTS.  It’s easier said than done, I’m well aware. No matter what you call it, it’s an addiction that you can never seem to get enough of, even though you know its toxic to your mind, soul, and relationship with God and others. Only through God’s help, can you overcome the temptations that entice you to make poor choices. 1 Corinthians 10:13 basically says, that no temptation, common to man, can overtake you and with every temptation God makes a way out.

 Maybe you need to avoid that gas station where you normally buy cigarettes and beer, stay off the internet to avoid going to sites you know are not good, maybe spend more time reading God’s word and praying for His help. Friend, these addictions will harm you if you don’t take the necessary steps to avoid it’s lure, and with God’s help, you can truly overcome them, every single day! God bless!

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