Saturday, February 17, 2024

 There shall come forth a Rod from the stem of Jesse, And a Branch shall grow out of his roots. Isaiah 11:1

 In my mother in law’s final days, many of her family members gathered around her to say their final goodbyes and talk amongst each other, sharing stories of her life. As I sat there and listened to the 10 plus family members (three generations), it dawned on me that without the birth of this lady, none of these people would be here, including my wife. When you think about it, it’s amazing the powerful impact one person can have on the lives of so many. She truly died a blessed mother, grandmother, and great grandmother.

 This short passage from Isaiah predicted the coming of Jesus Christ 700 years before His birth. From Adam and Eve to the birth of Christ, each generation of family has relevance to our Savior’s birth. Today, we as humans can have peace knowing that Jesus Christ’s life has significance in the purpose and meaning of our lives. Without Him, no one would have the hope for eternal security in Heaven.

 If you are a child of God, you are part of that lineage, that must be shared with your family and people within the realm of your influence. You are a significant part of God’s family, so consider the impact you can have on others by sharing the good news of Jesus Christ. Without you sharing your story, all hope will be lost for the next generation in your family’s lineage to be members of God’s family.

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