Sunday, February 11, 2024

 When I remember You on my bed, I meditate on You in the night watches. Psalm 63:6

 Sleep, it’s necessary for a healthy life. Some can sleep for hours, maybe even days if permitted, and others find themselves wrestling for just a few hours of peaceful sleep. I fall in between those two categories. Oftentimes I’ll wake once, possibly twice, during the night, and pretty much fall back asleep with no problem, unless I have something on my mind.

 When I do wake, one thing that always helps me get back into sleep mode is pray. That period of time in which I allot for sleep is great, there is no one pressuring me to do something, no one talking to me, and no real time demands are placed on me during those 2-8 hours I call bed-time. While laying on my back, I fold my hands together and simply pray about whatever comes to mind. That simple act brings a comforting peace over my body and it gives God an opportunity to speak when everyone else is quiet. Another thing prayer does in the middle of sleep time is takes my focus off those things that worry me and puts them on the worry resolver, God! He knows my worries, and when I acknowledge them to Him, it reaffirms my faith in His ability to help me.

 The next time sleep is interrupted, take a few minutes to pray to God. It doesn’t have to be lengthy, just a few simple sentences of your concerns, and your praise to God for all He does and will do in your life. Rest well friend!

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