Saturday, March 16, 2024

 And if Christ is in you, the body is dead because of sin, but the Spirit is life because of righteousness. Romans 8:10

 They say fish and company stink after 3 days. When people come visit and stay a while, your life changes: your routine changes, your spending most likely increases as you entertain and feed guests, your sleep pattern changes, and it’s probably a little more noisy when you have others to talk with. After 3 days of entertaining, you are probably ready for them to leave so you can resume your normal way of life. This is probably true of everyone reading this blog.

 But, what if Jesus Christ came to visit you, how long would you be comfortable Him staying? A few days, a year, maybe your lifetime? Once you accept Jesus Christ, everything about your life changes: the people you connect with, your financial commitments change, your attitude changes towards other people, the things you do in your everyday life change. Many changes occur with this new visitor in your life. How well you accept Jesus into your life shows by the changes you’ve made. If no change is made, you’ve got to ask yourself, have you truly welcomed Him?

 For those who live according to the flesh, set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit. Romans 8:5

 You know how you live each day. You have a choice to make, who you’ll please. God or your flesh. There are many rewards and blessings when you live for Jesus. God’s Holy Spirit is given to help you in your everyday life. He will nudge you when you are living worldly, and will lead you down the right path, if you choose to follow. He’s in your life for good, why not make Him fell welcome by being the kind of host you’d be to your favorite visitor. God bless!

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