Tuesday, March 12, 2024

 For if we live, we live to the Lord; and if we die, we die to the Lord. Therefore, whether we live or die, we are the Lord’s. Romans 14:8

 As you get older, you will unfortunately be witness to your loved ones passing away. As you stand by their bedside for the remainder of their days, hours, and last few breaths, you will see who was truly important in their life. I was not there to see my grandmother pass, but I heard in her final 30 minutes she raised her hands up in the air, as to say “Come get me Jesus”. My mother-in-law, in her final days, called out to God and Jesus. And my sweet mother was silent in her final day, but the peace she had was evident her eternal home was in Heaven with God.

 Today’s passage is a reminder for the child of God, YOU are the Lords. Every moment of your life should be witness to the relationship you have with Him through Jesus Christ. Your life should make a difference to those around you, OTHERS should see your faith in action as a faithful follower of Jesus. As you near your final days, nothing else will matter but Christ and your union with Him.

 From your spiritual birth to your final breath, just know you are the Lord’s and your eternal home will be with Him. Live for Him each and every day!

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