Saturday, March 23, 2024

 “And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask anything in My name, I will do it.” John 14:13-14

As a child of God, you have the privilege to communicate with Him through prayer. Knowing that, have you ever asked yourself what you should pray for? Can I pray for God to bless me financially? Can I ask God to find me a person to marry? Can I ask God to help me overcome a certain sin or bad habit? Can I ask God to heal my pet? These are good questions and if you think about it, you’ll probably come to the conclusion your concerns aren’t worthy of God’s help. Let’s explore this thought.

First off, you need to consider your position in Christ. You are a child of the king, and what king wouldn’t want what’s best for his child? He loves you and is concerned about every detail of your life, including the health of your pets. I believe Jesus provided the answer for us in John 14:13-14. If God can be glorified in your request, then He will provide the appropriate response.

You might ask then, how does healing my pet glorify God? When you bring a concern to God through prayer, you release your worries or concerns to Him, thus reinforcing your faith in Him. The expression of your faith glorifies God. And once He responds, your willingness to share the answered prayer with others creates awareness of God working in your life and hopefully will encourage others to follow suit.

Faith and witness are essential ingredients for effective prayer requests. They glorify God when you acknowledge Him in your moment of troubles, and is amplified when your share your story with friends and family for what God has done in your life, including the answered prayer of your pet. What concerns you, is concerning to God and when you bring Him into the equation, the outcome is His perfect response and glory to the King of Kings. God bless!

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