Wednesday, March 6, 2024

 He answered and said, “Whether He is a sinner or not I do not know. One thing I know; that though I was blind, now I see”. John 9:25

 When Jesus Christ entered the world, biblical scholars didn’t know how to receive Him. He came to fulfill the prophecies in the Old Testament and the Pharisees (who lived by the Jewish religious laws) tried to discredit Jesus and His healing power.

 Today’s verse comes from the story about Jesus healing a blind man, on the Sabath. Man, did that shake up those Pharisees and their religious laws and man-made policies. They accused Jesus of being a sinner for healing on the Sabath. They doubted the healing of this man’s sight, so much so they questioned him over and over (John 9:13-34), and even brought in the man’s parents to confirm he was actually blind from birth. All the facts revealed he had been healed by Jesus Christ. Well, the Pharisees wouldn’t have it and they cast this man out.

 Moving through time to today. Many to this day still don’t see the evidence of God and His Son, Jesus Christ. Even though the evidence is real and the truth before them, they are blinded to the truth. Maybe you are in that group of people and have doubts about God’s existence. I challenge you to take time to read the bible. As you read, keep an open mind to the realities of God’s love for mankind and what Jesus Christ did for you and all of mankind by making intercession for our sins. If you still doubt, just look around you at the beauty of this world and the intricacies of your body. God created you in His image (Genesis 1:26)

 For we walk by faith, not by sight. 2 Corinthians 5:7

 Belief in God doesn’t come from what you see, but by faith in what you don’t’ see. My prayer is God will open your eyes to the truth of His existence and His calling to save your soul. God bless!


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