Thursday, March 14, 2024

 For You light my lamp; The Lord my God enlighten my darkness. Psalm 18:28

 Ever had one of those days when it was completely sunny outside, yet inside your heart it was dark and gloomy? There are things and people in our lives that can bring discouragement, frustration, anger, even depression. If the truth be known, Satan has probably authored these negative incidents that has replaced joy and happiness with the darkness you are feeling. I myself try to be positive, but there are some times discouragement is the rule of the day and no matter how bright and beautiful it is outside, it’s storming inside my soul. How can you, and I, bring sunshine back into our life?

 God is light and in Him is no darkness at all. 1 John 1:5

 When the light inside your soul has gone out, it’s time to reignite it once again. How? By coming to God in prayer and reading His word. I can’t tell you how many times the weight of those dark days has brought me to my knees, and every time God illuminates my soul, where those dark clouds are blown away and replaced with His redeeming light. God has a way of healing the brokenness and removes the emotional weight of life’s unfortunate circumstances so you can feel the joy and happiness that you once had just minutes, days, maybe even years ago.

1 John 1:5 says God is light and in Him is no darkness. This verse’s context was written for its readers not to walk in darkness, but it reinstates the fact that NO darkness is in Him.

 No trip to the liquor store, no number of drugs (prescription or illegal), no adulterous affair, no racing down the highway to “blow off steam”, or any other earthly vice will bring light back into your darkened heart, like the light God offers. Maybe everything you’ve tried has not helped, maybe it’s time to come to the source of light, God, and find restoration and illumination from those dark days. Come to the LIGHT! God bless!   

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