Friday, March 22, 2024

 For the vision is yet for an appointed time; but at the end it will speak, and it will not lie. Through it tarries, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry. Habakkuk 2:3

As I was driving home last night, I saw a family walking out of a restaurant, the kids ran to the car and immediately started pulling at the door handles, trying to get the door to open. Mom and dad hadn’t unlocked the doors yet, but those kids kept pulling and pulling….I thought they were going to tear the handle off the car door. Then, I had a thought.

As humans, we have an idea of how life should look for us; that perfect job, that wonderful relationship, that bank account that meets our every need, and a positive health report from the doctor. In reality, life doesn’t always line up with that vision of success, yet we do are darndest to open doors of opportunity that God never intended for us to pursue. I speak from experience on this matter and I can tell you the damage of opening a locked door can take months, even years to repair the damage caused by the greed and desires outside of God’s perfect will. As I sit here and type, I think back to the days when I went after the things that I thought were good for me, and God had to intervene in a miraculous way to keep me from completely going off the deep end. Enough on my failures.

The Lord is good to those who wait upon Him, to the soul who seeks Him. Lamentations 3:25

Maybe you are like those kids, you’ve got a firm grip on the door handle of opportunity, but it just doesn’t seem to budge. As today’s passage says, God knows what is best and knows your heart. Be patient with Him as He works in your life to provide you the best in this life and the eternal life to come. Stay engaged in prayer so you’ll know His plan for your life. When He says “NO”, you’ll know it and don’t pursue anything He objects. Trust me, there is something toxic behind locked doors. God will open those perfect doors at the right time, so wait patiently on Him. God bless!


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