Tuesday, March 19, 2024

 Now the Lord had prepared a great fish to swallow Jonah. And Johah was in the belly of the fish for three days and three nights. Jonah 1:17

 No doubt, the world in which we live these days makes it easy to sin and dishonor God with worldly behavior. The internet and social media appear to be good resources to learn, but they also can steer someone into a sinful lifestyle that is hard to break its addiction. Transportation makes it easy to take us to places we shouldn’t go and do things outside the approval of God. Disobedience brings judgment on people, especially those of faith in God.

 Today’s passage comes from the book of Jonah (Jonah 1- 4). It’s a fascinating book, and I encourage you to read it. Jonah was told by God to go to the city of Nineveh and tell them their evil ways will bring severe judgement upon themselves unless they turn back to God. Jonah didn’t want any part of God’s plan, so he fled by ship to another country. While at sea, God caused a great storm which resulted in Jonah being thrown overboard and swallowed up by a big fish. After three days, Jonah realized his rebellion was not worth it, and cried out to God for repentance. At the end of the book, we read he finally did as God directed, and the people of Nineveh repented and turned back to God.

 What’s fascinating about this story is God never left Jonah’s side. Although Jonah thought he could outrun God, God followed along and provided the painful lesson that disobedience brings judgment, for purpose to turn him back into God’s perfect will.

 Maybe you are on the run from God and living a life unpleasing to Him. The things you are indulging in might be fun for the moment, but sooner or later you will find yourself in an unpleasant situation. Why allow yourself to endure unnecessary pain? Live each day in Godly obedience and God will bless you. NO matter how far off course you might feel, God still remains right by your side, ready to bring you to the shores of His holiness and obedience. The Lord goes where you go, so walk in a manner worthy to receive His blessings.

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