Sunday, March 24, 2024

 “Nevertheless I tell you the truth. It is for your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I depart, I will send Him to you.” John 16:7

Technology has provided us an amazing thing, Facetime. Instantaneous communication through audio and visual tools, makes it possible to view and talk to friends and loved ones, just as if they were right there with you. Over the years I’ve taken advantage of this wonderful technology to communicate with family (and my grandchildren) who live away from me. Although the physical touch of a hug is not available (at least at this time), the visual and audio are, and it’s great to see them when Facetime happens.

Jesus’ disciples, who faithfully followed Him for over 3 years, were saddened that He had to leave them, but promised His Holy Spirit (The Helper), who would come to them to provide wisdom, conviction, and motivation to stay on the narrow path of righteousness. As a Christian, I can verify the Holy Spirit is alive and well, as He has provided me much wisdom throughout the years of my life, encouraged me to stay the course, and (as crazy as it might sound) has spoken to me clearly to provide proof of His existence. It’s comforting to know the God of this universe resides in my life and one day I will be united with Jesus Christ in Heaven.

Friend, God is not too far for you to communicate with Him, to share your burdens and frustrations, to ask for His help, seek wisdom for a certain situation, and most of all to experience the existence of God, just as I have done throughout my life’s journey with Him. Call out to Him today, in faith, and you too will experience the presence of God through His Holy Spirit living in your life. God bless!  

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