Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. Ephesians 5:22

 Speaking to the women this morning....what does it mean to submit? Some read this as "be a slave to your husband". LOL, I don't believe that's the intent of this scripture. Respect comes to mind. Respecting your husband as the leader of the home. Supporting him in his decisions and supporting him outside of the family....with friends and distant family members. There is nothing more damning to a man than have his wife complain and not support his decisions. 

....but you don't know my husband....he acts bad and is abusive....the list goes on. My response, no I don't know what you are going through...but God does. If He is not walking in step with the Lord nor making Godly decisions, PRAY for him. For that matter always pray for your husband. We men need Godly wisdom. Pride often keeps a man from seeking Godly wisdom....but through his wife and her encouragement and prayers, he hopefully will  find a change of heart. 

When you speak to your husband, remember the following passage from Proverbs 31:26: "She opens her mouth with wisdom, and on her tongue is the law of kindness". Give Him Godly wisdom in a kind and loving tone. No one wants to be nagged. As a wife, you can be that oracle that God uses to speak to your man. Again I remind you to pray. There is so much power in prayer. 

Finally, NEVER give up on your man. Men, as well as women, change through the years. There was something from the beginning that attracted you to him. Find that attraction again and stick to it. Love Him unconditionally. He might now show you the love and affection you need right now...but over time....being sweet and loving with all the grace of God and much prayer, you should see a change for the better. But never give up. 

Love your husbands! Respect them even when disrespected. Support them in all decisions and cover them in prayer. These basics will help sustain the marriage and make each seasonal change in the marriage relationship sweeter over time. Go love on your man today! God bless.

Monday, February 27, 2017

Then Jeus said, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do." And they divided His garments and cast lots. Luke 23:34

From the first stripe, that marked His body, til the very last, and with a crown of thorns and the verbal abuse...Jesus still remained quiet towards His accusers. The piercing of His hands and feet, as He hung beaten, Jesus said these powerful words....Father forgive them, they do not know what they do." Jesus example of forgiveness should be reflected in every child of God. By His Spirit, living inside of us, we have the power and strength to forgive those who come against us. 

Is there someone in your life who has grieved or hurt you? Maybe it's been a continuous thrashing of insults, disrespect or physical abuse. Find it in your heart to let go of your anger and resentment and forgive them. Holding a grudge or staying in a state of anger only troubles your spirit. Your angered heart will carry your illness into other areas of your life at home, work and relationships with others. True forgiveness heals the heart from the emotional and physical scars left by those who came against you. Let go and let God help you to forgive and move forward. 

Life is too short not to forgive. I can tell you personally, forgiveness has a calming effect on your soul and makes life less complicated and stressful. For me it's easy, but for others it might be more challenging. Don't let your pride keep you from forgiving somone. Your willingness to forgive shows a strong spirit living inside of you. Won't you forgive your offenders today? Jesus did, why not you? Have a blessed day friend. 

Saturday, February 25, 2017

 A grateful heart protects you from negative thinking.
Excerpt from Jesus Calling Devotional. 

What's the first thing firemen put on a house fire? Water of course. Although the water doesn't necessarily put out the fire immediately, it cools the flames and objects that are hot from the fire. Eventually everything cools off and the fire is smothered.

Today's excerpt can be related to a fireman's call to action. As we face daily challenges and adversities, our greatest tool to fight negativity is positivity....having a thankful heart and praising God. Our praises and thankfulness cool the flames of adversity and allow God to have more room in our hearts to protect us from the situations and people who want to bring misery and pain into our life. A thankful heart shields us from the negative situation and brings more awareness of God's presence. 

One of Satan's greatest weapons is distractions. If he can bring crises and conflict into your life, he knows you will focus more on your situation than God. And Satan will do all he can to fuel that fire using people and situations in your life. Kill those flames by having a greatful heart and praising God for all the good things He has provided you and KNOW He is working in the situation to put out the fire. It might be a big fire, but He has it under control. Trust Him and remain positive at all times. 

Shield yourself from the whiles of life by praising God. His hand will protect you and bring you comfort even in the biggest firestorm of your life. Praise Him today. God bless.

Friday, February 24, 2017

    And my God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19

When you accept Jesus Christ into your life, His Holy Spirit immediately takes up residence in you! Think about that for a minute. The creator of the Universe dwells in you and every aspect of your life. As a child of God, He has blessed you with certain talents and abilities to serve Him for His glory. He has a plan for your life! 

So, if He resides in you and has a specific plan for your life, don't you think He'll provide all the necessary things to sustain you and further His plan to love the world through your life and the life of every believer? Yes He will....the question is....does your wants and desires line up with His? Any desire, pleasure or pursuit outside of His will cannot be supported by God. Yes, He will most likely protect you from complete failure...but you will quickly find your spiritual gas tank running low and obstacles along the way. When this happens, get on your knees and ask for God's guidance and direction to get you back on the right road to Godly success. 

God equips what we need when we are heading in the right direction. Are you following His lead or taking a different route? Follow His plan and find blessings and encouragement in every circumstance. God is ready and willing to equip you for the journey if you walk in obedience to His will. Follow Him today and be blessed. Have an awesome day friend.  

Thursday, February 23, 2017

The spirit of a man will sustain him in sickness, but who can bear a broken spirit? Proverbs 18:14

Have you ever hung something on a hanger, only to have it break? I buy these cheap plastic hangers from Walmart. They are good and supportive for most articles of clothes. But over time, that hanger weakens and eventually when it's limit and strength has been exceeded, it snaps in two. Down falls the article of clothing....laying there til discovered and picked up and placed on a new one. 

Our life is much like that hanger. We can handle most things that come our way. Sometimes the worries, stresses and conflicts in our life stretch us, oftentimes get us bent out of shape. As long as we can keep it together, we can support just about any weighted issue we face.

Over time, some burden comes along that is too much for us to bear, and we snap. We crumble under the pressure of our circumstances. In the process, our spirit is literally shattered and we loose hope in our life and we question where God has been in the moment of our tradgedy. The loss of a loved one, job difficulties, financial ruin or an unfaithful mate...all of these (and more) can be enough to break our spirit. 

Friend, I've been there. At some point your mind tells you life just isn't worth living any more...and you are ready to call it quits. That's the moment when you have to realize....you are at the bottom. Call out to God! He sees you laying there all wrinkled up and at the right moment, will reach down and pick you up and give you new hope, new strength and a new tomorrow. When you are at rock bottom, is the point where you can "push up" from your circumstances and get to a better place. You may be there for a while, but God has a plan and purpose for this moment and if you can muster any shred of faith in God...He will see you out of it and bring new life to your broken spirit. 

Eventually we will snap. But we have One who is there to help us in our tragedy. Never loose hope and faith in God. It might be the only thing you have to sustain you...He is faithful and will put back the pieces of your brokeness and give you a refreshing newness that will cover even the most horrific circumstances you could ever face. Trust Him today and keep the faith. God loves you. Have a blessed day.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

For in that He Himself (Jesus) has suffered, being tempted, He is able to aid those who are tempted. Hebrews 2:18

Temptation, it's a battle every child of God faces on a daily basis. Temptations usually come at the most opportune time or in moments of weakness. Without the strength and power of the Holy Spirit, we are prone to follow those lustful temptations through to sinful actions. 

We have a helper, the Holy Spirit of God, living inside of us. Jesus Christ sacrifice on the cross and our decision to believe in Him and accept Him into our life made way for His Spirit's entry into our fleshly body. Jesus knows all too well about temptation. Read in the gospels of the New Testament, immedialty after Jesus was baptized, the Spirit lead Him into the wilderness for 40 days, during which time He did not eat any food. There, Satan provided many temptations at Jesus weakest moment. One of the first temptations Satan threw at Jesus was food..."If you are the Son of God...command this rock to turn into bread". Jesus replied with scripture..."Man shall not survive on bread alone". 

Maybe you are facing a temptation right now. Possibly meeting up with someone today in an inappropriate relationship, stop by the liquor store for a bottle of stress relief or you can't wait to share some juicy gossip with one of your friends. Temptation comes in all shapes and sizes and each one is targeted specifically for YOU! Will you succumb to satan's little offerings or will you stay focussed, surrender your strength to God and ask for Him to help get you through another day and avoid following through with those temptations that come your way? Rely on the power of the Holy Spirit to guide you, strengthen you and avoid places, people and things that bring temptation even closer to home. With God, all things are possible. Walk with Him today friend! God bless!

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Do all things without complaining and disputing, that you may become blameless and harmless, children of God without fault in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world. Philippians 2:14-15

Negativity. It's toxic to the soul and can infect positive driven people to become negative and diminish their outlook on life. I've seen it first hand. Negative people are disruptive and like to argue their point. Negativity is a heart deprived of joy on the inside.

As Christians, we should have an inner joy that overshadows any negativity or circumstance that seems overwhelming. God is bigger than life and it's problems....negativity reduces room in your life for the Holy Spirit to work. If you have issues with negativity, you need to find the source of your problem. It might be deep seeded in your heart, but there is a toxic weed that is giving off a pungent fragrance that sours your outlook and speech. Pray and ask God to put some Roundup on that negative weed and kill it, heal it and restore your heart back to a furtile ground, ready to grow some beautiful moments in your life.

Negativity kills, positivity grows. Are you growing good things in your life. Seek out God every day and let His light diminish any negative thought, action or word from your life. There's no room for negativity in the life of a child of God. Stay positive friend! God bless. 

Monday, February 20, 2017

Where there is no vision, the people perish.
Proverbs 29:18 KJV

Expanding on an awesome sermon I heard yesterday at Three Life Church. God has a plan for each child of God. He reveals this plan in your life with a vision. Have you discovered yours? 

The pathway of God's plan for your life is long and never stops or pauses. It requires the child of God to occasionally look up ahead to make sure you are heading in the right direction. Along the pathway are many distractions....things that can cause you to loose sight of God's plan for your life. It's so important to know what His plan is for your life and to have a vision to get you there. 

Here is a powerful quote from the sermon..."Vision brings conviction". When you have a vision, it keeps your eyes trained to look at the goal and not the distractions or things that might steer you off course. Vision keeps you in line with God's will and keeps you true to His plan and purpose for your life.

If you don't know what God's will is for your life, simply ask. Ask with much prayer and walk daily in Godly obedience. Once He reveals that plan, set your vision on the goal and don't waiver. Stay true to God and the vision. Without it, you will just wander aimlessly down the pathway of life going in the wrong direction. 

 What's your vision for the future? God has big plans for your life. Stay the course and keep your focus forward and do not become distracted with the ways of the world. Have a blessed Monday friends.

Sunday, February 19, 2017

If you faint in the day of adversity, Your strength is small. Proverbs 24:10

If there was a more appreciated weekend, this is it....especially being a longer weekend with Presidents Day on Monday. We've been going through training all week, sitting in a classroom and still trying to keep up with my other duties. It's been exhausting. Sleep...where have you gone? Can you relate? 

Life is often like that...in that we face challenges almost daily. Those challenges test our faith and witness for the Lord. It's so important to keep your life deeply rooted in God's word and walk ever so close with God. By doing so, you strengthen your spirit, your faith and your footing gains traction as you waller through the muck of adversity. Without a deeply rooted faith, you will succumb to the pressures of life and temptation will lead you down a path opposite of God. 

Friend, the struggle is real. Get rest, read God's word daily...study it and pray. Your faith will be strengthened and will sustain the waves of adversity that come your way. Walk closely with the Lord today! Have a blessed Sunday. ‎

Friday, February 17, 2017

For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. 2 Corinthians 5:21

If you've ever watched an action movie, there is a lot of explosions and dangerous actions taken on by the main characters. You sit there and wonder how did they get through that scene and not get hurt? Almost every actor has a "double" or stunt person. This person looks very similar to the actor and is trained on how to fall, how to survive an explosive scene and has very little fear of anything he has to do. Meanwhile the high paid actor can handle the safe scenes and continue on with the movie production. Without the stunt man, the movie production could be halted or stopped if the main character was injured or killed in an accident.

As a Christian, we have a "double" so to say...Jesus Christ. As a human we were born into sin and eternally separated from Him. There was no way we could truly bring ourselves into the presence of God because of our unworthiness. God loved us enough to provide us that sin offering...Jesus Christ took on the image of man and was made payment for your and my sin. He represented every sinful thing we've ever done (and will do) bridging that eternal gap between us and God....so you can freely go about life living in the freedoms He has so generously blessed you with. 

Without Jesus sacrifice, His work in this world wouldn't be where it is today. God's word is shared worldwide because of the grace He provides us through Jesus. Our life is not a movie, it's action at its best. Are you performing as you should, spreading the good news of Jesus Christ love? Ask God to create a servant's heart and follow His calling for your life. You have a "double" who will always be there, to back you up and keep you safe. Keep the production going....we aren't at the final scene just yet. God bless.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage. Galatians 5:1

I can't tell you the number of times I've heard people say they refuse to attend church because they don't like "formal religion". The weekly rituals and routines can be boring for some....others it can choke out the spirit living inside of them who longs for true worship. It's sad that many have this excuse to avoid church....but the reality is we see a reduction in church attendance and it's not getting better. 

I'll never forget the first time I attended a contemporary service at a church years ago. Within minutes of singing praise and worship songs, the tears began to flow....the Spirit living inside of me was lifted up and praise in its truest form was occuring for the first time. 

So where am I going with this blog? Let me just say...Praise isn't in the service, it isn't in the "freedoms" of some services provide...no, praise comes from your heart. It's letting go of those things and strong holds that hold you back from giving up your all to bring glory and honor to God through singing, prayer and praising God. Sometimes I just spend time thanking God for things and before too long there becomes a revival service in my spirit. God is so good and has blessed me, and you. 

Christ died to set you free. Let that Spirit inside of you find ways to praise and worship Him regardless of the church service you attend. It's all about the "relationship" and not the rituals. Praise God everyday and your life will have less weight from the world. Walk lightly and in step with His Spirit today. God bless.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

 ...that you put off, concerning your former conduct, the old man which grows corrupt according to the deceitful lusts, and be renewed in the spirit of your mind... Ephesians 4;22-23

For a lot of us, me included, since January 1 we have been working at loosing weight and getting back to a healthy size. As a result, the clothes we normally wore, no longer fit us...they are too big. So off to the store we go to buy new. Yet, why do we keep the old, larger size clothes in our closet? Do we fear we'll retreat from our diet and exercise program...gaining weight and fit back in them? Getting rid of our old clothes will motivate us to stick with our diet and health plan. 

Once you become a Christian, it's so easy to keep an "eye-shot" your former way of living. Does the former conduct and ways use to live still linger in your mind and heart? Although on the outside you might have separated yourself from worldly living, your mind still entertains those fleshly pleasures. With just one tempting moment, you find yourself putting back on the old self, the sinful lifestyle you once lived. Oh yes, your mind can justify it....but it's just this one time. Then next week it's twice and so on. 

Friend, if you are truly in love with God and respect the decision you made to follow Jesus Christ, you need to remove the worldly ways from your mind and allow the Holy Spirit to transform it to pureness and righteousness. It's a slow process and takes a lot of determinatiom and commitment to walk in obedience to the decison you made to follow Christ. I recall some words from a popluar song..."I have decided to follow Jesus, no turning back, no turning back". 

If you are a child of God, clean your mind and heart! Put out those worldly habits and lifestyle that keeps you connected and bound to your former way of life. They are holding you back and keeping you from being fully committed to God. The more you surrender, the more God occupies your mind and heart....and blesses you along the way. Give it up for Christ today and don't retreat. Have a blessed day.  

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

And now abide faith, hope,love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.
1 Corinthians 13:13

If you've ever paid much attention, we live in a world that is wrapped in things. Medicine, food products, even my new car had wrapping on it. The wrapper holds it all together and protects it from external elements. And the wrapper ensures no one has tampered with the product. 

Love does the same. Our faith and hope in Jesus Christ is wrapped in His love. His Salvation was wrapped in love for us. If Christ was without love, we would still be waiting on a Savior. No one man would be willing to take the brutal punishment that Christ did on the cross just for us. His love is abundant and wants to wrap around every aspect of your life. Have you covered your life in the love of Christ?

Today, love on someone. Not just your spouse of significant other....reach out and blanket others with a loving word or hug. When you do, your love wraps that person like a blanket on a cold day. It's power can change someone's outlook for the day. Chris is love. When you love on someone, you wrap them with an extension of Himself. That's one of the easiest ways of sharing your faith...through loving acts of kindness and words. 

Reach out today and share His love with those around you. Happy Valentines Day friend. I love you all! Thanks for reading today's blog. I pray God blesses you and you feel His love. God bless!

Monday, February 13, 2017

Those who regard worthless idols forsake their own Mercy. Jonah 2:8

What or who is most important in your life? Maybe it's your spouse or significant other, career, money, hobbies or personal pleasures. Although there is nothing wrong with any of these people and things, they can become the center of your attention. Time and money spent on something that drains you spiritually is an idol. 

Take a moment and reflect on this weekend. What did you do, where did you spend your money and what did you achieve? Was God or worship any part of your weekend? I know this isn't a pleasant blog, but you have to realize, God gave His all through Jesus Christ. He bore our sins to free us to live a life blessed and purposeful for Him. It's not a boring or restricted life, actually just the opposite. A personal, daily relationship with the Lord brings joy and blessings that last longer than any one person, dollar or object of your affection. All of those things will pass away one day and it will be simply you and God. 

What will you have to say on the day in which you give an account for the time and money you spent as a child of God? If you come up short, and we all do (you can never do enough for God)....pray and ask God to sift your heart and weed out those "idol"s so His Spirit can fill the deepest void and give you life everlasting. Idols aside...make way for blessings. What are you willing to surrender today to draw closer to the Lord? Pray about it friend. God bless!!

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Trust in the Lord, and do good; Dwell in the land, and feed on His faithfulness. Psalm 37:3

This is one of my favorite verses in the bible. Time and time again, when I have been down, faced a significant challenge or needed wisdom, God has always been there to supply what was necessary at that moment. Over time I have developed a confidence in the Lord, knowing that no matter the circumstance, He will sustain me and help grow me in the process. 

How much do you rely on God? He loves you and as a child of God, His spirit resides in your life. His power, His wisdom and His grace is available 24/7. Are you feeding on His faithfulness? If not, try to involve God in more of your life. Pray to Him often, thank Him anytime something good comes and have faith in knowing when the tough times come around, He will sustain you. 

Feed on His faithfulness today. God bless. ‎

Saturday, February 11, 2017

And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. 
Matthew 6:12

There is nothing more enjoyable than paying off a debt. A sense of accomplishment comes when a big debt has been paid off. But, have you ever owed money to someone and when you went to pay them back they responded with....no need to pay it back, I'm waiving your debt. This is even more sweeter. You feel a burden lifted at no cost to you. 

One of the verses from "The Lords Prayer" speaks just about this issue of debt or you could say "trespass". When someone does something negative towards us, it leaves a debt on our heart...it takes away some joy or peace. Our automatic response is to go after that person to seek payment for the debt....or shall we say "revenge". If we could relate painful experiences to dollar amounts, some owe millions to others for their hurtful actions. Carrying around this debt load can make your heart heavy, angry and resentful towards others. No one who seeks to serve the Lord and live in His will can carry the heavy load of unforgiveness. 

Jesus Christ took on the sin debt of mankind as He hung on the cross. His pathway to death was brokeness, loneliness, and let down by His closest companions. So unworthy of this debt, as He paid a debt He never owed. He did that for you and me because He loves us that much. If Jesus can forgive us of our debts, tresspasses and sin, why can't you forgive those who have taken you down a road of brokeness,  loneliness and let down by your closest companions? It's a hard thing to do, but when God's grace comes over you...you can find it easy to forgive and the weight of that debt on your heart is released...freeing you to serve Him more abundantly. 

Forgive and forget. Release your painful experiences from others to God! He will heal you from the inside out, and your debtors will see a heart of Christ. Forgive someone today friend and experience the freedom God wants for you. Have a blessed day!

Friday, February 10, 2017

But even if you should suffer for righteousness sake, you are blessed. And do not be afraid of their threats, nor be troubled. 1 Peter 3:14

Have you ever been with a group of people and you did something opposite of them? Maybe everyone ordered a burger and you got a salad or or a choice was to be made and you were the only one to say no when everyone else said yes. When we choose a different way or path, we stand out and can feel alienated from everyone else. But, we should always go with what we believe and know to be true and right.

Same with our relationship with Christ. Sometimes we will have to make a decision or do something opposite of everyone else. Standing firm in our commitment to God to walk in "His" way and not the worlds will result in eternal blessings and Heavinly rewards. We may be the only one at lunch who takes a moment to pray to God or abstain from attending a social function that we know is not God honoring...but it's the right thing to do. God sees every decision you make and will bless you for your obedience. 

As you go through this day, ask God to help you stand up to the peer pressure of adulthood and walk that narrow path of righteousness....even if you are the only one walking it....you are not alone for Jesus says...."I am with you always". You always have Jesus by your side when you live a life that is God honored. Walk with Him today! God bless. 

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Then they said to the woman, "Now we believe, not because of what you said, for we ourselves have heard Him and we know that this is indeed the Christ, the Savior of the world.". John 4:42

Take a moment and read the story of Jesus encounter with the Samaritin woman at Jacobs well (John 4:5-30). Following this woman's conversation with Jesus, she runs into town to tell others that she believes this is The Christ. As the crowd gathered around Jesus and listened to His words and actions, the believed that He was the Christ...the One everyone had been waiting from prophecy generations long ago. 

Everywhere Jesus went, people believed in Him. His words, his actions and the miracles He performed were enough proof that He was the Son of God. Have you encountered Jesus in your life? God is real and His creation needed a Savior to remove the sin that separates mankind from His Holy righteousness. Jesus bore your sins and mine so we could have a deep, persoanl relationship with Him. 

"That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved." Romans 10:9. Belief in what Jesus did on your behalf and living for Him....its the only way to Heaven. If you've never accepted Jesus into your life, all you have to do is pray and ask Him to come into your heart, forgive your sins and live for Him everyday. His Holy Spirit will come and reside in your heart for all eternity. Do you believe?

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself. Luke 10:27

In Luke 10:27-37 (I encourage you to read this passage) we read about Jesus parable of the Good Samaritin. A man was robbed, beaten and stripped of his clothes and left half dead along the road. A priest and Levite saw him as they journeyed down the road and walked on the opposite side to avoid this man. Then came the Samaritin, who had compassion on the man and picked him up and cared for his well being until he was healed from his injuries. 

What a wonderful story and a direct command for Christians to take care of others. We see it so often today...the homeless, people strung out on drugs and alcohol, people begging for money...even gas money. You can't go to Walmart anymore and someone is looking for help in the parking lot. Yes, there are those who might not need help and trying to scam you...don't judge...leave that to God. He expects us to respond, when prompted by the Holy Spirit to help those we see in need. You know the feeling...it starts out with...I can help...then Satan tries to give you every excuse to go around or avoid them. Who are you going to listen to? 

Take the high road friend and lend a hand to your neighbor...he is everywhere and the Spirit will prompt you sometimes to show compassion. When you feel that prompting, respond with the love of Christ. God will bless you for your obedience. Help someone today! God bless friend. 

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7

Fear, it's like a giant monster roaming around our life. Satan often uses people and situations to bring fear in our life. When that happens we take our focus off God and onto the situation at hand. Our mind plays out various scenarios which end in self defeat. Fear consumes us and we loose sleep, worry a lot and do things that are counter to a Godly lifestyle. 

As Christians, we serve a mighty God who is bigger and stronger than any fearful thing we face. If we simply put our faith and trust in Him, He will weave through it with His mighty hand and change the threat to nothing more than a forgotten moment. So how can we overcome fear? 

When you encounter something that brings fear into your life remember these words FEAR- Forget Everything And Refocus. When something comes along, forget about it and refocus on God. Prayerfully ask Him to work in it and through it and to give you strength and wisdom to follow His lead. Trust me, He will hold true to His promise to protect and prosper you. At the end of the battle, thank Him and praise Him for what He did. You'll be amazed how He worked in it. Don't forget the victory and recall it the next time you face something that brings the Fear monster your way. 

Forget the thing that fears you and refocus on God. By doing so you let Satan know you won't surrender to his attacks and that God will rescue you from anything He taunts you with. Always stay prayed up friend and trust God. He is the answer to all your challenges. God bless.

Sunday, February 5, 2017

But they found the stone rolled away from the tomb. Then they went in and did not find the body of the Lord Jesus. Luke 24:2-3. 
A thought occurred to me last night....Jesus Christ took on mankind's sin debt and suffered and died on the cross. He became our sin and was buried in a tomb with a large and heavy stone blocking it's opening. 

As humans, we are all destined for the tomb. Our sins deserve nothing but eternal separation from God.  But, once we accept Jesus Christ into our life and live for Him, the Holy Spirit comes to get us and rolls back that stone, so we can walk out of the darkness and into the light...freed at last. Exactly what happened in Jesus case...he went into the tomb with our sins and came out victorious over death, so we could be freed from the bondage of deaths's eternal grip. 

Are you in the tomb of death or have you placed your faith in and accepted Jesus Christ, walking in the freedom of eternal life? Don't let the world's tomb keep you captive....it leads to a "dead end"...literally. Accept the free gift of eternal life in Christ and walk in confidence knowing your freedom has been paid for through Jesus Christ payment for your sin debt. Walk in freedom today! God bless. 

Saturday, February 4, 2017

    He who guards his mouth preserves his life, but he who opens wide his lips shall have destruction. Proverbs 13:3

I think everyone at some point in their life has said something they regret now. Some things said years ago still have lasting effects today. Some people are very vocal and openly speak their mind. It's a joke with some that they don't realize what they've said until they hear it come out....even then they are surprised by what they said. Maybe that's you. 

As Christians, we must keep a bridle on our tongue. Words spoken are a pure reflection of the temperament and condition of one's heart. Harsh words can display a person's internal anger and frustration....but those words fall on the hearts of others....inscribed in their mind and wrapped with emotion. Many families and friends have suffered great loss over bitter words. 

So how can we bridle the tongue? Recognize your mouth can cause a firestorm. Next, go to the source...your heart. What causes your heart to be angered or troubled? Ask God to change your heart....to have a heart of compassion, patience and remove any bitterness. Third, when you find your blood pressure on the rise, stop! Ask God to bring peace and give you the proper words to say. Think before you speak. So often our mouth is like a cannon....we want to blow up our enemy with harsh words. 

Following Christ example on the cross...."Father forgive them for they know not what they do". Conditioning  your heart after Christ takes time and much much surrender of personal opinion and self. Sometimes the best thing you can do is say nothing....that shows a sense of strength in a person who has the tongue bridled. Speak kindly to others and forgive often....your words will become sweeter every day. Bless someone today with a kind word. God bless.

Friday, February 3, 2017

For Christ also suffered once for sins, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh but made alive by the Spirit. 1 Peter 3:18

Sometimes you have to ask, why would God create us if He knew we would fail him miserably and disappoint Him by our disobedience? From His very first creation, Adam and Eve had it all....the most beautiful garden, full of food and shelter, yet one moment of distraction and Adam and Eve sinned. Turning away from God's clear instructions, they pursued their own pleasures and the penalty of their disobedience began for all of His creation....death. 

Yet, despite our sinful ways, God's love was shown through an unconditional act, sending His Son Jesus Christ to earth to pay mankind's sin debt. He didn't have to do it, but He knew we needed a Savior, an example to live by and the freedom to come to Him....washed clean of our sins by Jesus sacrifice. The penalty for our sins has been paid, we should be grateful and honor Him by living more righteous and uphold biblical standards. 

Does your life reflect the love of God through obedience to scripture? Are you reflecting Christ love to others? God created you in His image....be a reflection of His character and love. By doing so will impact those around you and blessings will rain down upon your life. Walk in obedience today. God bless. 

Thursday, February 2, 2017

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16

Today's verse is a familiar one for those who believe that God sent His Son to earth to be the sacrifice for mankind's sin.  By giving up himself, He created a way to commune with His creation.  He knows His work, His craftsmanship and wants to embrace us through one very simple requirement....belief in Him as our redeamer and Savior. 

Do you believe? Do you know your creator? He is real, just as real as everything around you. Earth, the air we breath, the animals and trees. Everything was created for our pleasure. Trust in Him today friend...He gave His all so you could know your maker. Pray that God will show Himself to you and draw you closer to Him. 
Have a blessed day.  

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

It is God who arms me with strength, and makes my way perfect. Psalms 18:32

This mornings verse says exactly what every Christian needs to always remember....God gives us strength to sustain the daily challenges and battles that come upon us. Before we wake up, He knows exactly what lies ahead and is working to prepare you for the future....weather it's today or next week, even next year. Each day is like a workout at the gym.....He conditions and strengthens your spirit for tomorrow's challenges. 

One of the most obvious benefits of being a Christian is having the Holy Spirit reside in you. His power resides in your body....ready to sustain you in the battles of life. Our simple part is learning how to surrender our strength for His. When we pray and ask for God's help, He steps in and provides what's necessary to lift the heavy burden off your shoulders. I can't tell you the number of times I called upon Him and wittnessed the powerful work of His hand weave through my circumstance with ease...making a path for me to follow and come out unscathed. And usually I always say....that worked out perfectly. 

Gods way is perfect. You have the creator of the universe ready and willing to help you through life. All you have to do is surrender self for His strength, His will and submit to His plan. It's perfect and your life will be blessed each day when you make Him a part of it....every step along the way. Have a blessed day!