Monday, February 20, 2017

Where there is no vision, the people perish.
Proverbs 29:18 KJV

Expanding on an awesome sermon I heard yesterday at Three Life Church. God has a plan for each child of God. He reveals this plan in your life with a vision. Have you discovered yours? 

The pathway of God's plan for your life is long and never stops or pauses. It requires the child of God to occasionally look up ahead to make sure you are heading in the right direction. Along the pathway are many distractions....things that can cause you to loose sight of God's plan for your life. It's so important to know what His plan is for your life and to have a vision to get you there. 

Here is a powerful quote from the sermon..."Vision brings conviction". When you have a vision, it keeps your eyes trained to look at the goal and not the distractions or things that might steer you off course. Vision keeps you in line with God's will and keeps you true to His plan and purpose for your life.

If you don't know what God's will is for your life, simply ask. Ask with much prayer and walk daily in Godly obedience. Once He reveals that plan, set your vision on the goal and don't waiver. Stay true to God and the vision. Without it, you will just wander aimlessly down the pathway of life going in the wrong direction. 

 What's your vision for the future? God has big plans for your life. Stay the course and keep your focus forward and do not become distracted with the ways of the world. Have a blessed Monday friends.

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