Friday, February 10, 2017

But even if you should suffer for righteousness sake, you are blessed. And do not be afraid of their threats, nor be troubled. 1 Peter 3:14

Have you ever been with a group of people and you did something opposite of them? Maybe everyone ordered a burger and you got a salad or or a choice was to be made and you were the only one to say no when everyone else said yes. When we choose a different way or path, we stand out and can feel alienated from everyone else. But, we should always go with what we believe and know to be true and right.

Same with our relationship with Christ. Sometimes we will have to make a decision or do something opposite of everyone else. Standing firm in our commitment to God to walk in "His" way and not the worlds will result in eternal blessings and Heavinly rewards. We may be the only one at lunch who takes a moment to pray to God or abstain from attending a social function that we know is not God honoring...but it's the right thing to do. God sees every decision you make and will bless you for your obedience. 

As you go through this day, ask God to help you stand up to the peer pressure of adulthood and walk that narrow path of righteousness....even if you are the only one walking are not alone for Jesus says...."I am with you always". You always have Jesus by your side when you live a life that is God honored. Walk with Him today! God bless. 

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