Tuesday, February 7, 2017

For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7

Fear, it's like a giant monster roaming around our life. Satan often uses people and situations to bring fear in our life. When that happens we take our focus off God and onto the situation at hand. Our mind plays out various scenarios which end in self defeat. Fear consumes us and we loose sleep, worry a lot and do things that are counter to a Godly lifestyle. 

As Christians, we serve a mighty God who is bigger and stronger than any fearful thing we face. If we simply put our faith and trust in Him, He will weave through it with His mighty hand and change the threat to nothing more than a forgotten moment. So how can we overcome fear? 

When you encounter something that brings fear into your life remember these words FEAR- Forget Everything And Refocus. When something comes along, forget about it and refocus on God. Prayerfully ask Him to work in it and through it and to give you strength and wisdom to follow His lead. Trust me, He will hold true to His promise to protect and prosper you. At the end of the battle, thank Him and praise Him for what He did. You'll be amazed how He worked in it. Don't forget the victory and recall it the next time you face something that brings the Fear monster your way. 

Forget the thing that fears you and refocus on God. By doing so you let Satan know you won't surrender to his attacks and that God will rescue you from anything He taunts you with. Always stay prayed up friend and trust God. He is the answer to all your challenges. God bless.

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