Saturday, February 11, 2017

And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. 
Matthew 6:12

There is nothing more enjoyable than paying off a debt. A sense of accomplishment comes when a big debt has been paid off. But, have you ever owed money to someone and when you went to pay them back they responded need to pay it back, I'm waiving your debt. This is even more sweeter. You feel a burden lifted at no cost to you. 

One of the verses from "The Lords Prayer" speaks just about this issue of debt or you could say "trespass". When someone does something negative towards us, it leaves a debt on our takes away some joy or peace. Our automatic response is to go after that person to seek payment for the debt....or shall we say "revenge". If we could relate painful experiences to dollar amounts, some owe millions to others for their hurtful actions. Carrying around this debt load can make your heart heavy, angry and resentful towards others. No one who seeks to serve the Lord and live in His will can carry the heavy load of unforgiveness. 

Jesus Christ took on the sin debt of mankind as He hung on the cross. His pathway to death was brokeness, loneliness, and let down by His closest companions. So unworthy of this debt, as He paid a debt He never owed. He did that for you and me because He loves us that much. If Jesus can forgive us of our debts, tresspasses and sin, why can't you forgive those who have taken you down a road of brokeness,  loneliness and let down by your closest companions? It's a hard thing to do, but when God's grace comes over can find it easy to forgive and the weight of that debt on your heart is released...freeing you to serve Him more abundantly. 

Forgive and forget. Release your painful experiences from others to God! He will heal you from the inside out, and your debtors will see a heart of Christ. Forgive someone today friend and experience the freedom God wants for you. Have a blessed day!

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