Wednesday, February 22, 2017

For in that He Himself (Jesus) has suffered, being tempted, He is able to aid those who are tempted. Hebrews 2:18

Temptation, it's a battle every child of God faces on a daily basis. Temptations usually come at the most opportune time or in moments of weakness. Without the strength and power of the Holy Spirit, we are prone to follow those lustful temptations through to sinful actions. 

We have a helper, the Holy Spirit of God, living inside of us. Jesus Christ sacrifice on the cross and our decision to believe in Him and accept Him into our life made way for His Spirit's entry into our fleshly body. Jesus knows all too well about temptation. Read in the gospels of the New Testament, immedialty after Jesus was baptized, the Spirit lead Him into the wilderness for 40 days, during which time He did not eat any food. There, Satan provided many temptations at Jesus weakest moment. One of the first temptations Satan threw at Jesus was food..."If you are the Son of God...command this rock to turn into bread". Jesus replied with scripture..."Man shall not survive on bread alone". 

Maybe you are facing a temptation right now. Possibly meeting up with someone today in an inappropriate relationship, stop by the liquor store for a bottle of stress relief or you can't wait to share some juicy gossip with one of your friends. Temptation comes in all shapes and sizes and each one is targeted specifically for YOU! Will you succumb to satan's little offerings or will you stay focussed, surrender your strength to God and ask for Him to help get you through another day and avoid following through with those temptations that come your way? Rely on the power of the Holy Spirit to guide you, strengthen you and avoid places, people and things that bring temptation even closer to home. With God, all things are possible. Walk with Him today friend! God bless!

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