Wednesday, February 15, 2017

 ...that you put off, concerning your former conduct, the old man which grows corrupt according to the deceitful lusts, and be renewed in the spirit of your mind... Ephesians 4;22-23

For a lot of us, me included, since January 1 we have been working at loosing weight and getting back to a healthy size. As a result, the clothes we normally wore, no longer fit us...they are too big. So off to the store we go to buy new. Yet, why do we keep the old, larger size clothes in our closet? Do we fear we'll retreat from our diet and exercise program...gaining weight and fit back in them? Getting rid of our old clothes will motivate us to stick with our diet and health plan. 

Once you become a Christian, it's so easy to keep an "eye-shot" your former way of living. Does the former conduct and ways use to live still linger in your mind and heart? Although on the outside you might have separated yourself from worldly living, your mind still entertains those fleshly pleasures. With just one tempting moment, you find yourself putting back on the old self, the sinful lifestyle you once lived. Oh yes, your mind can justify it....but it's just this one time. Then next week it's twice and so on. 

Friend, if you are truly in love with God and respect the decision you made to follow Jesus Christ, you need to remove the worldly ways from your mind and allow the Holy Spirit to transform it to pureness and righteousness. It's a slow process and takes a lot of determinatiom and commitment to walk in obedience to the decison you made to follow Christ. I recall some words from a popluar song..."I have decided to follow Jesus, no turning back, no turning back". 

If you are a child of God, clean your mind and heart! Put out those worldly habits and lifestyle that keeps you connected and bound to your former way of life. They are holding you back and keeping you from being fully committed to God. The more you surrender, the more God occupies your mind and heart....and blesses you along the way. Give it up for Christ today and don't retreat. Have a blessed day.  

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