Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. Ephesians 5:22

 Speaking to the women this morning....what does it mean to submit? Some read this as "be a slave to your husband". LOL, I don't believe that's the intent of this scripture. Respect comes to mind. Respecting your husband as the leader of the home. Supporting him in his decisions and supporting him outside of the family....with friends and distant family members. There is nothing more damning to a man than have his wife complain and not support his decisions. 

....but you don't know my husband....he acts bad and is abusive....the list goes on. My response, no I don't know what you are going through...but God does. If He is not walking in step with the Lord nor making Godly decisions, PRAY for him. For that matter always pray for your husband. We men need Godly wisdom. Pride often keeps a man from seeking Godly wisdom....but through his wife and her encouragement and prayers, he hopefully will  find a change of heart. 

When you speak to your husband, remember the following passage from Proverbs 31:26: "She opens her mouth with wisdom, and on her tongue is the law of kindness". Give Him Godly wisdom in a kind and loving tone. No one wants to be nagged. As a wife, you can be that oracle that God uses to speak to your man. Again I remind you to pray. There is so much power in prayer. 

Finally, NEVER give up on your man. Men, as well as women, change through the years. There was something from the beginning that attracted you to him. Find that attraction again and stick to it. Love Him unconditionally. He might now show you the love and affection you need right now...but over time....being sweet and loving with all the grace of God and much prayer, you should see a change for the better. But never give up. 

Love your husbands! Respect them even when disrespected. Support them in all decisions and cover them in prayer. These basics will help sustain the marriage and make each seasonal change in the marriage relationship sweeter over time. Go love on your man today! God bless.

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