Saturday, February 25, 2017

 A grateful heart protects you from negative thinking.
Excerpt from Jesus Calling Devotional. 

What's the first thing firemen put on a house fire? Water of course. Although the water doesn't necessarily put out the fire immediately, it cools the flames and objects that are hot from the fire. Eventually everything cools off and the fire is smothered.

Today's excerpt can be related to a fireman's call to action. As we face daily challenges and adversities, our greatest tool to fight negativity is positivity....having a thankful heart and praising God. Our praises and thankfulness cool the flames of adversity and allow God to have more room in our hearts to protect us from the situations and people who want to bring misery and pain into our life. A thankful heart shields us from the negative situation and brings more awareness of God's presence. 

One of Satan's greatest weapons is distractions. If he can bring crises and conflict into your life, he knows you will focus more on your situation than God. And Satan will do all he can to fuel that fire using people and situations in your life. Kill those flames by having a greatful heart and praising God for all the good things He has provided you and KNOW He is working in the situation to put out the fire. It might be a big fire, but He has it under control. Trust Him and remain positive at all times. 

Shield yourself from the whiles of life by praising God. His hand will protect you and bring you comfort even in the biggest firestorm of your life. Praise Him today. God bless.

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