Friday, February 17, 2017

For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. 2 Corinthians 5:21

If you've ever watched an action movie, there is a lot of explosions and dangerous actions taken on by the main characters. You sit there and wonder how did they get through that scene and not get hurt? Almost every actor has a "double" or stunt person. This person looks very similar to the actor and is trained on how to fall, how to survive an explosive scene and has very little fear of anything he has to do. Meanwhile the high paid actor can handle the safe scenes and continue on with the movie production. Without the stunt man, the movie production could be halted or stopped if the main character was injured or killed in an accident.

As a Christian, we have a "double" so to say...Jesus Christ. As a human we were born into sin and eternally separated from Him. There was no way we could truly bring ourselves into the presence of God because of our unworthiness. God loved us enough to provide us that sin offering...Jesus Christ took on the image of man and was made payment for your and my sin. He represented every sinful thing we've ever done (and will do) bridging that eternal gap between us and you can freely go about life living in the freedoms He has so generously blessed you with. 

Without Jesus sacrifice, His work in this world wouldn't be where it is today. God's word is shared worldwide because of the grace He provides us through Jesus. Our life is not a movie, it's action at its best. Are you performing as you should, spreading the good news of Jesus Christ love? Ask God to create a servant's heart and follow His calling for your life. You have a "double" who will always be there, to back you up and keep you safe. Keep the production going....we aren't at the final scene just yet. God bless.

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