Wednesday, February 8, 2017

You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself. Luke 10:27

In Luke 10:27-37 (I encourage you to read this passage) we read about Jesus parable of the Good Samaritin. A man was robbed, beaten and stripped of his clothes and left half dead along the road. A priest and Levite saw him as they journeyed down the road and walked on the opposite side to avoid this man. Then came the Samaritin, who had compassion on the man and picked him up and cared for his well being until he was healed from his injuries. 

What a wonderful story and a direct command for Christians to take care of others. We see it so often today...the homeless, people strung out on drugs and alcohol, people begging for money...even gas money. You can't go to Walmart anymore and someone is looking for help in the parking lot. Yes, there are those who might not need help and trying to scam you...don't judge...leave that to God. He expects us to respond, when prompted by the Holy Spirit to help those we see in need. You know the starts out with...I can help...then Satan tries to give you every excuse to go around or avoid them. Who are you going to listen to? 

Take the high road friend and lend a hand to your neighbor...he is everywhere and the Spirit will prompt you sometimes to show compassion. When you feel that prompting, respond with the love of Christ. God will bless you for your obedience. Help someone today! God bless friend. 

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