Thursday, February 23, 2017

The spirit of a man will sustain him in sickness, but who can bear a broken spirit? Proverbs 18:14

Have you ever hung something on a hanger, only to have it break? I buy these cheap plastic hangers from Walmart. They are good and supportive for most articles of clothes. But over time, that hanger weakens and eventually when it's limit and strength has been exceeded, it snaps in two. Down falls the article of clothing....laying there til discovered and picked up and placed on a new one. 

Our life is much like that hanger. We can handle most things that come our way. Sometimes the worries, stresses and conflicts in our life stretch us, oftentimes get us bent out of shape. As long as we can keep it together, we can support just about any weighted issue we face.

Over time, some burden comes along that is too much for us to bear, and we snap. We crumble under the pressure of our circumstances. In the process, our spirit is literally shattered and we loose hope in our life and we question where God has been in the moment of our tradgedy. The loss of a loved one, job difficulties, financial ruin or an unfaithful mate...all of these (and more) can be enough to break our spirit. 

Friend, I've been there. At some point your mind tells you life just isn't worth living any more...and you are ready to call it quits. That's the moment when you have to are at the bottom. Call out to God! He sees you laying there all wrinkled up and at the right moment, will reach down and pick you up and give you new hope, new strength and a new tomorrow. When you are at rock bottom, is the point where you can "push up" from your circumstances and get to a better place. You may be there for a while, but God has a plan and purpose for this moment and if you can muster any shred of faith in God...He will see you out of it and bring new life to your broken spirit. 

Eventually we will snap. But we have One who is there to help us in our tragedy. Never loose hope and faith in God. It might be the only thing you have to sustain you...He is faithful and will put back the pieces of your brokeness and give you a refreshing newness that will cover even the most horrific circumstances you could ever face. Trust Him today and keep the faith. God loves you. Have a blessed day.

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