Tuesday, February 14, 2017

And now abide faith, hope,love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.
1 Corinthians 13:13

If you've ever paid much attention, we live in a world that is wrapped in things. Medicine, food products, even my new car had wrapping on it. The wrapper holds it all together and protects it from external elements. And the wrapper ensures no one has tampered with the product. 

Love does the same. Our faith and hope in Jesus Christ is wrapped in His love. His Salvation was wrapped in love for us. If Christ was without love, we would still be waiting on a Savior. No one man would be willing to take the brutal punishment that Christ did on the cross just for us. His love is abundant and wants to wrap around every aspect of your life. Have you covered your life in the love of Christ?

Today, love on someone. Not just your spouse of significant other....reach out and blanket others with a loving word or hug. When you do, your love wraps that person like a blanket on a cold day. It's power can change someone's outlook for the day. Chris is love. When you love on someone, you wrap them with an extension of Himself. That's one of the easiest ways of sharing your faith...through loving acts of kindness and words. 

Reach out today and share His love with those around you. Happy Valentines Day friend. I love you all! Thanks for reading today's blog. I pray God blesses you and you feel His love. God bless!

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