Sunday, February 5, 2017

But they found the stone rolled away from the tomb. Then they went in and did not find the body of the Lord Jesus. Luke 24:2-3. 
A thought occurred to me last night....Jesus Christ took on mankind's sin debt and suffered and died on the cross. He became our sin and was buried in a tomb with a large and heavy stone blocking it's opening. 

As humans, we are all destined for the tomb. Our sins deserve nothing but eternal separation from God.  But, once we accept Jesus Christ into our life and live for Him, the Holy Spirit comes to get us and rolls back that stone, so we can walk out of the darkness and into the light...freed at last. Exactly what happened in Jesus case...he went into the tomb with our sins and came out victorious over death, so we could be freed from the bondage of deaths's eternal grip. 

Are you in the tomb of death or have you placed your faith in and accepted Jesus Christ, walking in the freedom of eternal life? Don't let the world's tomb keep you leads to a "dead end"...literally. Accept the free gift of eternal life in Christ and walk in confidence knowing your freedom has been paid for through Jesus Christ payment for your sin debt. Walk in freedom today! God bless. 

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