Monday, July 30, 2018

Better to dwell in a corner of a housetop, than in a house shared with a contentious woman. Proverbs 21:9

Have you been there? Living with your spouse and things seem to get heated between the two of you. In your mind you in vision yourself somewhere else….maybe fishing by the lake, on a motorcycle, shopping with friends or yes, even on the rooftop! Those moments that are unpleasant seem to create a doorway to mentally escape to somewhere more pleasant. Can you relate?

No doubt, living as a couple is difficult and has its challenges. Its important for you both to work together and communicate so the arguments are few and far between. Keeping God front and center of your relationship is the key for positive characteristics to develop…..forgiveness, encouragement, love, and sometimes the most difficult, self-sacrifice. As your relationship grows with God, your attitude changes and you begin to reflect those positive traits found in God. You give your spouse more respect and understanding.

Maybe you are wishing to be in a better place. Before you mentally check out, check in with God and absorb His wisdom, His guidance and His definition of love. His ways are always right and perfect. When you can line up your life with His expectations in a relationship, there will be no better place than home! Have a blessed day!

For it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure. Philippians 2:13

This weekend I was fortunate enough to take a road trip on my motorcycle back up to the Smoky Mountains. Along the way I was able to see God’s hand working on my behalf. It all started as I rode through Carrollton, Ga. Believe it or not, I rode through that entire town without hitting one red light. That in itself would be considered luck. Yet, I saw it as God’s hand going ahead of me. The entire trip was smooth, things just seemed to work in my favor and I was blessed by the ride.

So often we are looking for God, when God is really there in our midst. For the Christian, He is always working in your favor, providing you protection, guidance and blessing you with those moments when you realize it was God all along. God is everywhere and He is working in your life to grow you into a mature Christian. Finding Him takes little effort when you open your eyes to see the beautiful things He puts before you.

Maybe you’ve been searching for God. Maybe you are asking for God’s will to be revealed in your life. Friend, let me share with you a thought….the moment you are in IS GOD’S WILL! Some people who ask for God’s will to be revealed are actually saying…”I’m not happy now God and want something better”. Guilty! Know that where you are is God’s will for your life here and now. He might have something new for you, but trust Him in the moment and look for Him every day as you navigate life! God is right there beside you! Find Him today with open eyes! God bless!  

Friday, July 27, 2018

Therefore they sought to take Him; but no one laid a hand on Him, because His hour had not yet come. John 7:30

Timing, its everything. Things work together for a specific purpose and time manages what happens when. Today’s verse we see Jesus was targeted by His enemies to kill Him, yet God did not permit it at that time because He still had plans for His Son to reach out to the lost, heal the lame and provide wisdom to those who needed it.

If God had a plan for His Son, He certainly has a plan for each of His children, you and me! God’s timing is perfect and well thought out. When we tap into His wisdom, we trust His plan and patient in His timeline. So often we want to push ahead of God’s plan. When we do, we get His plan out of whack with the timeline He set. We suffer because of our desire to skip a few steps along the way and miss God’s blessings, wisdom and healing.

Maybe you know the plans God has for you and you’ve made it clear where you want to be tomorrow, next week or even next year. DON’T rush it! God’s timetable has a specific purpose and without your patience, it can get all messed up, leaving you frustrated, getting hurt, could even cost you your life. Trust God, He has the right plan for your life. Time is in your hands, use it wisely and God will bless you! Have an awesome day friend!

Thursday, July 26, 2018

But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities, The chastisement for our peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed. Isaiah 53:5

If you’ve ever watched an action movie, you see the main character going through painful acts of getting hit, run over, in a car wreck, blown up. It’s a rough life and you wonder how they always look fresh on the movie screen. As you are probably aware, every actor has a “double” or stunt man/woman. This person is trained on how to take that punch, fall from a tall building and survive the most horrific crash on the big screen. Meanwhile, the actor stands by for the easier scenes so the production can go on.

Today’s verse reminds me that Jesus stepped in and took the punishment I deserve. There is no way I could take enough punishment to clean up my sinful flesh to be visible to God. Yet, God gave us our double, Jesus Christ, who bore the penalty for our sin, our shame and our wicked ways, so our life can go on as a Christian. We don’t’ have to worry about eternal punishment.

You have an important role to live out as a child of God. Live it fully, play it out to your best ability…the world is watching. Your double has your back and already got the rough scenes covered. Be thankful for what God has done for you and the blessings He showers you with on a daily basis! Let the production go on for Christ! God bless!

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Today, if you will hear His voice, do not harden your hearts. Hebrews 4:7

If there is one thing I can’t stand is a telemarketer. That phone call you pick up (always at the busiest time) and there it is, some pre-recorded message telling you to sign up for insurance or refinance or simply buying some useless product. Before you get too deep into the call you hang up and move on. How do they get my number???

There is one call we should never disregard or turn away from, God. As a child of God, He often speaks to us about every day life. Do you hear Him? Oftentimes He speaks, but we chose not to listen by allowing the business of life block out His voice. I can tell you one thing I’ve learned, He never yells. His voice is quiet and subtle. His voice can only be heard when you focus on Him and give Him time to speak.

Maybe you are zipping through the day and wonder where God is. He is with you and wants to share some insight for today and prepare you for tomorrow. Keep an open ear to His calling and know that His message is important. Never disregard Him. Trust Him always and do what He says. Life will be full of blessings when you pick up on God’s call!

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them. Ephesians 5:11

Have you ever worked on something in a dimly lit location? Maybe you are trying to plug in an accessory to your TV or putting together something or working on your vehicle. When its dimly lit, you can barely see what you are doing. There is the problem, you need light to see so you can fix it.

Sin is a problem with mankind. No doubt the struggle is real, especially for Christians to avoid sinful situations, places and things. Temptation can be overwhelming, but we have a God who is greater than any sin, any battle we face and a quick reminder….He defeated sin and death on the cross. The only way you can over come your sin and addictions, is to shed the Light of Christ on your situation. Prayer, bible reading and a lot of leaning on God will expose those weak areas of your life and help fix your heart.

Trying to fix your sin problem in the dark is impossible. Open your heart to God, so He can help you overcome what seems to be overcoming to your life and soul. He will do it if you simply put your faith and trust in Him. Light up those dark areas of your life and see good things come to those who follow in obedience! God bless!

Monday, July 23, 2018

Though I walk in the midst of trouble, You will revive me; You will stretch out Your hand against the wrath of my enemies, and your right hand will save me. Psalm 138:7

You see them everywhere surrounding important people. From our President, to dignitaries, to movie and music stars and people of fame. They all have their own body guard. That person who is wise and can read people, knowing when danger approaches and takes action to protect those under their care. A body guard is even willing to take a bullet for the person they are protecting. A shield of sorts.

As Christians, we have a body guard, God. As a child of God, He watches over you 24/7, providing protection from the enemy, Satan. Beyond what the eyes can see, there is a spiritual war going on, and God’s team of guards is winning the battle. Ephesians 6:12 This morning, as I was thinking about this reality, I can recall times in my life when I could feel danger lurking, yet God knew to intervene and He provided a way of protection that no human could give me.

When you stay prayed up, you can almost see God working in your life to protect you from the flaming arrows of Satan. That’s the key, staying prayed up, staying in God’s word and making decisions that keep you away from the enemy’s turf. Some of our biggest mistakes in life could have been avoided if we simply stayed obedient to God and not pursued the lust of our flesh. Walk solely with God, trusting in His care and stay in touch with Him throughout the day. He has your back, side and front….trust Him with confidence as you move through the day! And be sure to thank Him! God bless!

Sunday, July 22, 2018

He restores my soul; He leads me in paths of righteousness for His name’s sake. Psalm 23:3

The other day I received a text from my cell phone provider, letting me know my plan had been renewed for another month. When I see messages like that, I’m happy my bills are paid and I’m good for 30 days.

As Christians, we can be renewed on a daily basis. The challenges of each day, the temptations we fall for, those ugly words said, the moments of defeat. All of these things can weigh heavy on the heart, making us feel unworthy of God’s love. I can assure you those thoughts of doubt and feelings of defeat come from Satan. If you spirit is listening to words of defeat, and negativity, you can be assured Satan is trying to destroy you emotionally. Don’t listen to Him.

Yes, you might have failed God yesterday, but that’s by no reason to walk defeated today. Come to God with your transgressions and ask for His forgiveness and healing. Then walk anew as He restores your soul so you can walk forward through this new day, your sin debt has been paid in full. Walk in confidence today and experience God’s power to restore your mind and heart. God bless!

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Sharing a devotion from In Touch Ministries. This is good! 
Life is really just a series of decisions. Most of them are small and seem inconsequential, while others could change the course of our life. Whether choices are major or minor, we need to know how to make wise ones that align with God’s will.
Our thinking is limited to what our finite minds can perceive and understand. Relying on our own assessment of the situation and possible options could easily veer us away from the Lord’s will. Even the smartest among us are foolish compared to an infinitely wise, omniscient God.
Godly wisdom requires the right perspective as well as the appropriate action—that is, it seeks to gain the Lord’s viewpoint and respond according to scriptural principles. Such wisdom asks, How would God interpret these events? What would He want me to do? Then it answers these questions, based on the truth of God’s Word. That’s why becoming very familiar with Scripture is so important. The time to prepare for future decisions is now. If we consistently read and study the Bible each day, we’ll acquire a sound base for making wise choices whenever they arise, because we’ll understand what pleases and displeases God.
The Lord has also given us His Holy Spirit as our guide and enabler. He gives us understanding of Scripture and wise direction, convicts us when we drift into sin, and empowers us to obey God’s commands.
All that we need to live wisely has been provided by the Lord, but it’s up to us to access it. Self-reliance will always lead us away from God’s will, but obedience to Him will make us wise.

Friday, July 20, 2018

Concerning this thing I pleaded with the Lord three times that it might depart from me. And He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” 2 Corinthians 12:8-9

Have you ever pleaded with God to remove something from your life? Maybe it’s an embarrassing habit, a physical condition, financial burden..the list is endless. No matter what, you feel it’s a hindrance to the person you really want to be. And you wonder why God hasn’t put His hand on the issue to remove it. Trust God is my advice.

God often uses difficulties to mold and shape us. No one, and I mean no one is perfect. Everyone has their flaws and challenges. Some of the most beautiful people I know deal with serious health issues, have a heavy burden to care for a child with a disability, and struggle in a difficult relationship. On the outside you’d think they have a perfect life. The struggle is real and it keeps them humble. And most of all, reliant on God to sustain them, keep them moving forward each day and accepting their situation, knowing it has come to them through the hands of God.

The most powerful verse in the bible…”for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” Your search and desire for a perfect life already exist. God gave you what you have because He knows, through His strength, you can live out your days with what He has blessed you with….even those things you think are a curse. God’s strength overcomes any struggle, battle or painful circumstance. Trust God every day to meet your needs and rely on Him to move you forward, no matter what you face. His strength is made perfect in weakness! God bless!

Thursday, July 19, 2018

The Lord is slow to anger and great in power; and will not at all acquit the wicked. Nahum 1:3

Back in my college days, I thought I was interested in law enforcement. So, before making that path forward I took a few classes in that field of study. One class in particular we went over cases that had been brought before court and guilty people were acquitted over some technicality. It didn’t take long for me to determine this is not the career choice I wanted to follow. Can you imagine doing all that leg work to ensure a guilty person was found guilty in the court of law, only to be acquitted on some mistake?

There is one court system that never goes wrong, God’s court. Thankfully, as we see in today’s scripture, God is slow to anger, but for the wicked…not one person will be acquitted! It doesn’t take long, out in the world, to see evil played out in the lives of people we co-exist with at work, our neighborhood, even church and unfortunately our home. Satan’s evilness and wickedness is lived out by others, and it affects us oftentimes, leaving us feeling victimized. Our “flesh” wants to seek revenge for their wrongdoings.

Beloved, do not avenge yourselves, but rather give place to wrath; for it is written, “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay, says the Lord.” Romans 12:19

I’m sure you are like me, you know of a few people who’ve done you wrong in life and want to seek revenge. Trust me friend, give it up and allow forgiveness to remove your anger, your toxicity, your bitterness. Harboring these emotions only bring you down and make you vulnerable to Satan’s lies. God will make room in His court for your offenders and they won’t get away with their evilness. Find comfort today knowing the guilty will not be acquitted in God’s court. We have reason to rejoice and praise God for His loyalty towards His children! God bless!

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s. 1 Corinthians 6:20

When shopping, you trust that the money you invest in an item will be dependable, work hard for you and last a long long time. Unfortunately in today’s world, a lot of products are what I call ”throw away” items. The quality of material is cheap and breakdowns can be expected. So much so, that today’s society throws away damaged goods and goes out to buy a new one. It’s the world we live, not like years past.

As a child of God, your salvation was bought at a price, the life of Jesus Christ. Everything He went through…the suffering, mocking, embarrassment, heartbreak and His life, was payment for your and my sins. The investment God made in you, through His Son, is priceless. The question today is….whats your dependability, are you in for the long haul or are you simply a pew sitting, throw in the towel Christian when things go bad and your heart and life is broken?

Jesus was already broken by the time He was nailed to the cross, yet out of love He said….”Father forgive them, they know not what they do.” Its time we Christians get serious about the investment God made in us. We have nothing to lose when we give God all of our life. And out of our commitment to Him, we have everything to gain. God has a plan and purpose for your life. Are you living it out to completion? Find that purpose and do what’s right every day to serve God. You are no throw away Christian, you are forever blessed, live it to the fullest! God bless!  

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it. Matthew 16:25

One thing I’ve learned through years of reading the bible, Jesus Christ is very clear in His message. You either follow Him or the world. Following the world’s ways might seem pleasurable and easy, but at the end of life there is no eternal reward for turning away from Jesus Christ. A brief moment of pleasure doesn’t equal an eternity of Hell. That’s fact.

Those who accept Jesus Christ free offer of salvation will give up the world’s ways, because they know the eternal benefits far outweigh the brief moment of sinful pleasures. Giving up your life for Christ is a challenge. The world pulls at your heart and mind to take the easy road, but its end is dead and without hope. Following Jesus Christ brings blessings to the believer, which helps sustain him/her during life’s most challenging moments. Trust me, I’ve been there. Its like an oasis in the desert.

Whose path are you following? Take a moment and evaluate your compass. Let it guide you to Christ. Yes, you will give up some worldly things and pleasures, but your sacrifices make room for God’s blessings. Those blessings last a lot longer than the pleasures you find in the world. Follow Christ and be eternally blessed!

Monday, July 16, 2018

And there is no creature hidden from His sight, but all things are naked and open to the eyes of Him to whom we must give account. Hebrews 4:13

Have you ever been critiqued? Maybe it was a speech you gave, or a performance, or possibly an evaluation of your work performance. If you are living, someone is evaluating you. Today’s verse is a reminder that God is constantly watching over us as He keeps an eye out for our behavior, thoughts and words. There is NOTHING He doesn’t see or miss. We might think we have something covered or hidden from others, but not God.

Take a minute and evaluate yesterday. If you sat down with God today, what would He have to say about how you lived out yesterday? Probably some things went well, but what about those times when you followed your own pursuits and disobeyed God? OUCH! I think we all have those days. We are fleshly human and prone to sin. Thankfully for the child of God, we are forgiven.

Take one day at a time friend. Do you best to live out your faith. Sometimes its not necessarily what you do, but what you don’t do that counts. Make out a list of your shortcomings and say to yourself….I am not going to pursue these sinful pleasures. When you stay devoted to the Lord, HE opens the door to blessings, and they give you encouragement to follow His will over yours. God is watching, make Him happy today!

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Blessed is the man who trust in the Lord, and whose hope is the Lord. For he shall be like a tree planted by the waters, which spreads out its roots by the river, and will not fear when heat comes: But its leaf will be green, and will not be anxious in the year of drought, nor will cease yielding fruit. Jeremiah 17:7-8

All my life I’ve been fascinated by trees. They are amazing how big and tall they can grow, weathering the storms, wildfires, years of drought and flood and each year’s growth is recorded on the tree rings in their trunk. The root system is their foundation. As the tree grows, those roots spread, searching for more nutrients and water, all the while they provide stability to help them weather the storms that come their way. Pretty amazing!

Our life as a Christian is much like a tree. When we dig our roots of knowledge into God’s word, we grow bigger and stronger, even in times of difficulty and drought. Nothing can move us when we are grounded in God and His holy word. The times in my life when I’ve encountered difficulty, similar to a drought, I dig deeper into God’s word for strength, encouragement and hope. God guides me through the bible, right to the best source of nourishment for my soul.

Want to grow in your faith? Want to weather the storms of life? Want to find purpose for life? Dig deep into God’s word. There you will find all the nourishment, encouragement and wisdom your soul can feed upon as you journey through life. Make time today, and every day, to read some scripture and strengthen your faith in God. Have a blessed day!

Friday, July 13, 2018

Then Saul, still breathing threats and murder against the disciples of the Lord, went to the high priest and asked letters from him to the synagogues of Damascus, so that if he found any who were of the Way, whether men or women, he might bring them bound to Jerusalem. 

As he journeyed he came near Damascus, and suddenly a light shone around him from heaven Then he fell to the ground, and heard a voice saying to him, “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me?”

And he said, “Who are You, Lord?”

Then the Lord said, “I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting. Acts 9:1-5

Saul had it out for Christians, as we read in Acts. He desired to kill them all until one day he came face to face with Jesus Christ. In this one moment, Saul’s life transformed from a Christian killer to a minister and missionary of the Lord. Saul even had to change his name to Paul so no one would fear him and hear his message. As we know Paul took mission trips, risking his own life to share the message of Jesus Christ with a lost and dying world. His life account can be read here on this link.

I share this story to show you the power of Jesus Christ. Who’s in your life that needs to come face to face with Jesus Christ? Maybe its your spouse. Over time things have soured in your relationship and this person you married has become a source of evil and makes life difficult. There is power in prayer. I truly believe if God can turn a Christian killer into a man of God, then, Jesus can take that spouse and turn them around to become what God intended, a blessed helpmate who loves you and supports you.

You might think it’s completely impossible to change that person and actually ready to give up. We limit God’s power when we doubt what He can do. Trust me friend, give them over to Jesus Christ. Pray that they will come face to face with Jesus and He will lead them in a new direction and bless your marriage. Never give up on what God is capable of doing in your life and the life of others! I’ve seen it first hand, He can and will transform others if you allow Him to work. And ask Him to transform your heart to forgive, as Christ forgave you! Give it a try today. God bless!

Thursday, July 12, 2018

And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. Matthew 6:13a

Ever stepped on a piece of gum someone spit out? It’s a gooey mess. The more you try to separate yourself from it, it gets even messier and you can’t seem to get it off your shoe. A good reminder to always watch where you walk.

As Christians, we can get ourselves in a sticky mess with sin. Satan knows that if he can get us caught up in one of his sinful snares, we become distracted and less useful for God’s service. This oftentimes occurs in the life of an active servant of God. He places something so subtle in our path that we barely notice it, yet once we walk in it, we are trapped, tangled up and difficult to get away. Can you relate?

Maybe you have walked into one of Satan’s snares….a bad habit, a toxic relationship, a job that is killing your spirit….the list is endless. Do you want to become untangled? As today’s verse says….”deliver us from the evil one.” Friend, God can do it if you simply give the entanglement over to Him. He won the victory over Satan and anything he has to offer. God can unstick that gooey mess and free you, so you can live an effective life once again for God and not the world. Trust me, I’ve been there and done that. The freedom God provides takes the weight of guilt off your shoulders. Call out to God today for help and trust Him as He works to free you. He can do it, are you ready to be cleaned up? God bless!

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

For the Lord will be your confidence, and will keep your foot from being caught. Proverbs 3:26

In my job there are constant challenges, deadlines and a never ending process of decisions that have to be made. By the end of the day, I am mentally and oftentimes physically drained. Its my job, but I still enjoy what I do and thank God for blessing me with work! One thing is for sure, there never seems to be a shortage of surprises. Those little things that pop up unexpectedly, that add to the already tall pile of “to dos”.

Over the years I have given God a lot of my tasks and challenges, asking for His wisdom and guidance as I navigate the day. I can tell you He has never let me down. He has always come through and worked out situations better than I could have ever expected. Sometimes the way He works is a mystery to me, but with each occurrence, my confidence in the Lord grows. And quite truthfully that is what God wants for His children, confidence in Him!

Maybe you are faced with some challenges that seem to exceed your capabilities. Give them over to God and have CONFIDENCE that He will work through them with your best interest in mind. Things might not always turn out the way you expected, but that’s OK! As long as you continue to grow in your level of confidence in the Lord, nothing you face will jar your emotions. Trust Him today with everything and see Him work His awesome ways to grow your confidence in Him! God bless!

Monday, July 9, 2018

Let your eyes look straight ahead. And your eyelids look right before you. Proverbs 4:25

If you’ve ever operated a motorcycle, you know that where your eyes focus, that’s where the bike is going to go. I once learned that while riding, as I stared at something along the road, my bike started to veer towards the edge. Fortunately, I corrected myself before anything bad happened.

Satan’s number one goal is to get you to turn your eyes away from God. It might start out as something simple, such as a handsome person, a neat thing that we desperately want or a pleasure that has captured our attention. It’s the little distractions in life that make a huge impact on how we live out our daily life with Christ. Simple, subtle, and so innocent, yet in the end it leads to destruction.

As you head out for the day, keep your eyes focused on God so you will remain obedient to Him at all times. Those little distractions are nothing but spiritual wrecks waiting to disrupt your walk with the Lord. STAY FOCCUSSED straight ahead and you’ll never go wrong! God bless!

Sunday, July 8, 2018

So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him: male and female He created them. Genesis 1:27

I was reading an article about some kids being rescued from a flooded cave in Thailand. Everyone was praising God for the success of the mission, except one guy. He stated it was not God, but the rescuers and that God didn’t exist. Whew Lord Jesus, that man needs to widen his window view of life!

Sadly, there are many who can’t wrap their mind around the concept of God. Truthfully, it can be a challenge. But the proof is in the pudding! For those who don’t believe, look around you. Look at all the species of plants, animals and races of humans. Look at the complexities of the human body and how everything works together to sustain life and reproduction AND how the plants and animals help us sustain life.

Secondly, do you think your existence is by accident or just happened? How did earth get here? Why is earth here? Why are you here? The truth lies in the word of God. It explains it all, especially why you are here taking up space in a minute of time over the span of history. Check it out and discover there is a God and He brought you into this world with a purpose. Check it out today, what do you have to lose? I hope you can find the truth!

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful. Hebrews 10:23

Let’s face it, having faith and trust in someone seems to be difficult these days. The pursuit of personal happiness over commitment seems to curse many relationships. You want to give your all to someone in hopes that it will work out forever. Sadly, a 1 – 5 year commitment oftentimes turns into disappointment. Whew, lets talk about something more positive.

Jesus Christ! There is NO ONE more faithful than Him. He carried your every sin to the cross and died in your place so you can have eternal life in Heaven. All He asks of you is your commitment to Him. As a Christian, you are saved by grace and the path forward can be challenging because the world’s temptations and lustful desires never diminish. The struggle is real to keep your footing on God’s narrow path. But I can assure you, if you stay faithful to Him and His ways, your life will never encounter disappointment, never lose hope and will forever be encouraged by those blessings you receive when you keep your commitment to Him.

Tired of disappointments? Tired of being cheated and used? Turn away from the world and seek after Christ. Believe me friend, there is no other person who can satisfy you than Jesus Christ! Single, divorced or married….His love and faithfulness sustains always! Seek Him today and find blessings along the path of life! God bless!

Friday, July 6, 2018

But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you, that he will not hear. Isiah 59:2

In my travels I have come across markers which indicate a division between two states or countries. You can basically stand in two states or two countries at one time. Pretty cool, all of which comes with pictures to document the moment and proudly say “I was there”.

Something that isn’t cool is living a life of sin and the Christian life at the same time. You think it might be cool and you are getting along ok, but what you don’t realize is when you have one part of your life indulged in purposeful sin, God aint happy! That dividing line between righteousness and sin is a wall. Any part of you that steps in sin, blocks out God’s blessings and ability to hear you. You are either for or against God.

Where’s your footing? Are you walking on a path God has selected for you, or are you trying to please your flesh while believing you are covered under the umbrella of God’s grace? The truth will fall upon you if you are walking in sin. God will allow a storm to pass your way and bring you back to His side, trust me its proven every day of the year for so many Christians. Don’t take your chances, keep on the right side of the path and never be swayed by the lure to step on both sides of the line. God bless!

Thursday, July 5, 2018

As iron sharpens iron, So a man sharpens the countenance of his friend. Proverbs 27:17

Absolutely love this verse in Proverbs. I know this is true for me, at times I get irritated over the people and circumstances in life and want to isolate myself from the world. I can tell you that is one of the worst things you can do, because you make yourself a target of Satan. He puts all kinds of lies inside your head, turning your heart sour towards the ones who love you.

Raise your hand if you are guilty of finding retreat by isolation! What did you learn from that experience? Granted, sometimes it is good to get away from others so you can have “one on one” time with God, but don’t think for a moment you can escape the tribulations of this world by hiding in a spiritual cave. Eventually you will hear Satan’s lies and your feelings and thoughts don’t get better, they actually get worse.

You need the people God put in your life to keep you polished spiritually. God put them there for a reason, brush up against them, gain their wisdom, advice and encouragement. They know you well. Yea, you might need a break, but don’t break your friendships over a little drama. Find God’s wisdom through your friends and family. Talk to someone today to sharpen your life so you can be effective for God’s service! Blessings!

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage. Galatians 5:1

Freedom, there is nothing free about it. The cost of human life is tremendous. Even today, military and civilians put their lives on the line to protect and defend this great nation. As a citizen of the United States, we have a lot to be thankful for and praising God that He continues to watch over our country and its leadership.

As a Christian, you have the freedom from sin and its yoke of bondage. Sin is of the world and when you entertain any aspect of sin, you fight the battle against God. Your citizenship is in Heaven, not earth, and your life should reflect the characteristics of Christ in your daily life. Yesterday I spoke about temptation and the need to exit yourself from the room when it comes round. Allowing temptation to capture your attention and following through with it hinders the work of Christ in your life and the impact you have on others. Don’t sacrifice your freedom for a cheap thrill.

Jesus Christ gave His life so you can have a life. Live it to the fullest in Christ and bring freedom home to those around you! Happy Independence Day! God bless America!

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

No temptation has overtaken you except such as in common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able; but with the temptation will also make a way of escape, that you may be able to bear it. 1 Corinthians 10:13

If you notice most businesses have an “exit” door, used in an emergency situation. Above the door you will see a red sign saying “exit”. Everywhere I go, I’m always looking for that exit door. From the movie theatre to a restaurant, even a church, I’m going to know my escape route in the event of an emergency.

Far too often Christians go through life without looking for that escape route from sin. They feel they don’t need to worry because they can handle the sin issue, or maybe they don’t think its anything to be concerned with. Sadly, many children of God get caught up in the world’s sins without the will power to turn from it. Sin traps people and makes it difficult to escape. A sin filled life does nothing for God’s plan in your life.

When you see temptation coming, do you look for the means of escape? You should! Always stay prayed up for God’s wisdom to know when to RUN and escape the tempting lure of sin. Your life will have less problems when you keep yourself free from the darkness of this world. Take the exit today when temptation comes your way! God will bless you and help you overcome your weaknesses! God bless!

Monday, July 2, 2018

I must work the works of Him who sent Me while it is day; the night is coming when no one can work. As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world. John 9:4-5

Ever now and then I hear someone say “where is Jesus in this world?”. When Jesus was here on planet earth, He performed many miracles by healing, restoring and encouraging people. His presence changed each community He visited. Although there was evil all around Him, He still marched forward, serving His Father, until His death on the cross.

I can tell you Jesus Holy Spirit lives in the lives of each child of God. He promised His Spirit upon His death to every believer. Today, His mission to save the world from sin and Hell continues through the lives of each of His followers. “But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria and to the end of the earth.” Acts 1:8

Are you tuned into the Holy Spirit? What’s He saying to you today? The Great Commission says to share the good news of Jesus Christ through your life. Is your light shining into the darkness? Those living in darkness need His light to see the truth. Live out your days by letting your light shine for Jesus Christ. He has never left us here alone, He lives on through His Holy Spirit living inside every believer, you included. Shine on today! God bless~

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Moses was one hundred and twenty years old when he died. His eyes were not dim nor his natural vigor diminished. Deuteronomy 34:7

We read about Moses, in the Old Testament, and his obedience to the Lord as he lead the Israelites out of slavery into the free land given them by God. God’s people treasured Moses and looked up to him for Godly wisdom, encouragement and leadership. After so long though, he died and as we read he appeared to be still doing quite well.

Its hard to understand why God takes His children home when He does. Sometimes He allows a person to live out the length of their days for 90 plus years, others are called home at an early age. God has a plan and purpose for each of His children and when its time, its time to depart this world and enter a place of rest, peace and joy….Heaven.

Only God knows the date and time of your death. What are you doing for the Lord to serve Him and help others? God has a plan for your life, and when you are in tune with Him it’s pretty clear what He has called you to do. Seek out His plan for your life and have confidence in knowing your job was done well when you hear His words…”well done my good and faithful servant.” God bless!