Thursday, July 12, 2018

And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. Matthew 6:13a

Ever stepped on a piece of gum someone spit out? It’s a gooey mess. The more you try to separate yourself from it, it gets even messier and you can’t seem to get it off your shoe. A good reminder to always watch where you walk.

As Christians, we can get ourselves in a sticky mess with sin. Satan knows that if he can get us caught up in one of his sinful snares, we become distracted and less useful for God’s service. This oftentimes occurs in the life of an active servant of God. He places something so subtle in our path that we barely notice it, yet once we walk in it, we are trapped, tangled up and difficult to get away. Can you relate?

Maybe you have walked into one of Satan’s snares….a bad habit, a toxic relationship, a job that is killing your spirit….the list is endless. Do you want to become untangled? As today’s verse says….”deliver us from the evil one.” Friend, God can do it if you simply give the entanglement over to Him. He won the victory over Satan and anything he has to offer. God can unstick that gooey mess and free you, so you can live an effective life once again for God and not the world. Trust me, I’ve been there and done that. The freedom God provides takes the weight of guilt off your shoulders. Call out to God today for help and trust Him as He works to free you. He can do it, are you ready to be cleaned up? God bless!

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