Tuesday, July 17, 2018

For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it. Matthew 16:25

One thing I’ve learned through years of reading the bible, Jesus Christ is very clear in His message. You either follow Him or the world. Following the world’s ways might seem pleasurable and easy, but at the end of life there is no eternal reward for turning away from Jesus Christ. A brief moment of pleasure doesn’t equal an eternity of Hell. That’s fact.

Those who accept Jesus Christ free offer of salvation will give up the world’s ways, because they know the eternal benefits far outweigh the brief moment of sinful pleasures. Giving up your life for Christ is a challenge. The world pulls at your heart and mind to take the easy road, but its end is dead and without hope. Following Jesus Christ brings blessings to the believer, which helps sustain him/her during life’s most challenging moments. Trust me, I’ve been there. Its like an oasis in the desert.

Whose path are you following? Take a moment and evaluate your compass. Let it guide you to Christ. Yes, you will give up some worldly things and pleasures, but your sacrifices make room for God’s blessings. Those blessings last a lot longer than the pleasures you find in the world. Follow Christ and be eternally blessed!

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