Wednesday, July 18, 2018

For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s. 1 Corinthians 6:20

When shopping, you trust that the money you invest in an item will be dependable, work hard for you and last a long long time. Unfortunately in today’s world, a lot of products are what I call ”throw away” items. The quality of material is cheap and breakdowns can be expected. So much so, that today’s society throws away damaged goods and goes out to buy a new one. It’s the world we live, not like years past.

As a child of God, your salvation was bought at a price, the life of Jesus Christ. Everything He went through…the suffering, mocking, embarrassment, heartbreak and His life, was payment for your and my sins. The investment God made in you, through His Son, is priceless. The question today is….whats your dependability, are you in for the long haul or are you simply a pew sitting, throw in the towel Christian when things go bad and your heart and life is broken?

Jesus was already broken by the time He was nailed to the cross, yet out of love He said….”Father forgive them, they know not what they do.” Its time we Christians get serious about the investment God made in us. We have nothing to lose when we give God all of our life. And out of our commitment to Him, we have everything to gain. God has a plan and purpose for your life. Are you living it out to completion? Find that purpose and do what’s right every day to serve God. You are no throw away Christian, you are forever blessed, live it to the fullest! God bless!  

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