Saturday, July 7, 2018

Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful. Hebrews 10:23

Let’s face it, having faith and trust in someone seems to be difficult these days. The pursuit of personal happiness over commitment seems to curse many relationships. You want to give your all to someone in hopes that it will work out forever. Sadly, a 1 – 5 year commitment oftentimes turns into disappointment. Whew, lets talk about something more positive.

Jesus Christ! There is NO ONE more faithful than Him. He carried your every sin to the cross and died in your place so you can have eternal life in Heaven. All He asks of you is your commitment to Him. As a Christian, you are saved by grace and the path forward can be challenging because the world’s temptations and lustful desires never diminish. The struggle is real to keep your footing on God’s narrow path. But I can assure you, if you stay faithful to Him and His ways, your life will never encounter disappointment, never lose hope and will forever be encouraged by those blessings you receive when you keep your commitment to Him.

Tired of disappointments? Tired of being cheated and used? Turn away from the world and seek after Christ. Believe me friend, there is no other person who can satisfy you than Jesus Christ! Single, divorced or married….His love and faithfulness sustains always! Seek Him today and find blessings along the path of life! God bless!

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