Thursday, July 19, 2018

The Lord is slow to anger and great in power; and will not at all acquit the wicked. Nahum 1:3

Back in my college days, I thought I was interested in law enforcement. So, before making that path forward I took a few classes in that field of study. One class in particular we went over cases that had been brought before court and guilty people were acquitted over some technicality. It didn’t take long for me to determine this is not the career choice I wanted to follow. Can you imagine doing all that leg work to ensure a guilty person was found guilty in the court of law, only to be acquitted on some mistake?

There is one court system that never goes wrong, God’s court. Thankfully, as we see in today’s scripture, God is slow to anger, but for the wicked…not one person will be acquitted! It doesn’t take long, out in the world, to see evil played out in the lives of people we co-exist with at work, our neighborhood, even church and unfortunately our home. Satan’s evilness and wickedness is lived out by others, and it affects us oftentimes, leaving us feeling victimized. Our “flesh” wants to seek revenge for their wrongdoings.

Beloved, do not avenge yourselves, but rather give place to wrath; for it is written, “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay, says the Lord.” Romans 12:19

I’m sure you are like me, you know of a few people who’ve done you wrong in life and want to seek revenge. Trust me friend, give it up and allow forgiveness to remove your anger, your toxicity, your bitterness. Harboring these emotions only bring you down and make you vulnerable to Satan’s lies. God will make room in His court for your offenders and they won’t get away with their evilness. Find comfort today knowing the guilty will not be acquitted in God’s court. We have reason to rejoice and praise God for His loyalty towards His children! God bless!

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