Tuesday, July 24, 2018

And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them. Ephesians 5:11

Have you ever worked on something in a dimly lit location? Maybe you are trying to plug in an accessory to your TV or putting together something or working on your vehicle. When its dimly lit, you can barely see what you are doing. There is the problem, you need light to see so you can fix it.

Sin is a problem with mankind. No doubt the struggle is real, especially for Christians to avoid sinful situations, places and things. Temptation can be overwhelming, but we have a God who is greater than any sin, any battle we face and a quick reminder….He defeated sin and death on the cross. The only way you can over come your sin and addictions, is to shed the Light of Christ on your situation. Prayer, bible reading and a lot of leaning on God will expose those weak areas of your life and help fix your heart.

Trying to fix your sin problem in the dark is impossible. Open your heart to God, so He can help you overcome what seems to be overcoming to your life and soul. He will do it if you simply put your faith and trust in Him. Light up those dark areas of your life and see good things come to those who follow in obedience! God bless!

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