Monday, July 30, 2018

Better to dwell in a corner of a housetop, than in a house shared with a contentious woman. Proverbs 21:9

Have you been there? Living with your spouse and things seem to get heated between the two of you. In your mind you in vision yourself somewhere else….maybe fishing by the lake, on a motorcycle, shopping with friends or yes, even on the rooftop! Those moments that are unpleasant seem to create a doorway to mentally escape to somewhere more pleasant. Can you relate?

No doubt, living as a couple is difficult and has its challenges. Its important for you both to work together and communicate so the arguments are few and far between. Keeping God front and center of your relationship is the key for positive characteristics to develop…..forgiveness, encouragement, love, and sometimes the most difficult, self-sacrifice. As your relationship grows with God, your attitude changes and you begin to reflect those positive traits found in God. You give your spouse more respect and understanding.

Maybe you are wishing to be in a better place. Before you mentally check out, check in with God and absorb His wisdom, His guidance and His definition of love. His ways are always right and perfect. When you can line up your life with His expectations in a relationship, there will be no better place than home! Have a blessed day!

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