Sunday, July 8, 2018

So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him: male and female He created them. Genesis 1:27

I was reading an article about some kids being rescued from a flooded cave in Thailand. Everyone was praising God for the success of the mission, except one guy. He stated it was not God, but the rescuers and that God didn’t exist. Whew Lord Jesus, that man needs to widen his window view of life!

Sadly, there are many who can’t wrap their mind around the concept of God. Truthfully, it can be a challenge. But the proof is in the pudding! For those who don’t believe, look around you. Look at all the species of plants, animals and races of humans. Look at the complexities of the human body and how everything works together to sustain life and reproduction AND how the plants and animals help us sustain life.

Secondly, do you think your existence is by accident or just happened? How did earth get here? Why is earth here? Why are you here? The truth lies in the word of God. It explains it all, especially why you are here taking up space in a minute of time over the span of history. Check it out and discover there is a God and He brought you into this world with a purpose. Check it out today, what do you have to lose? I hope you can find the truth!

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