Monday, July 16, 2018

And there is no creature hidden from His sight, but all things are naked and open to the eyes of Him to whom we must give account. Hebrews 4:13

Have you ever been critiqued? Maybe it was a speech you gave, or a performance, or possibly an evaluation of your work performance. If you are living, someone is evaluating you. Today’s verse is a reminder that God is constantly watching over us as He keeps an eye out for our behavior, thoughts and words. There is NOTHING He doesn’t see or miss. We might think we have something covered or hidden from others, but not God.

Take a minute and evaluate yesterday. If you sat down with God today, what would He have to say about how you lived out yesterday? Probably some things went well, but what about those times when you followed your own pursuits and disobeyed God? OUCH! I think we all have those days. We are fleshly human and prone to sin. Thankfully for the child of God, we are forgiven.

Take one day at a time friend. Do you best to live out your faith. Sometimes its not necessarily what you do, but what you don’t do that counts. Make out a list of your shortcomings and say to yourself….I am not going to pursue these sinful pleasures. When you stay devoted to the Lord, HE opens the door to blessings, and they give you encouragement to follow His will over yours. God is watching, make Him happy today!

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