Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Today, if you will hear His voice, do not harden your hearts. Hebrews 4:7

If there is one thing I can’t stand is a telemarketer. That phone call you pick up (always at the busiest time) and there it is, some pre-recorded message telling you to sign up for insurance or refinance or simply buying some useless product. Before you get too deep into the call you hang up and move on. How do they get my number???

There is one call we should never disregard or turn away from, God. As a child of God, He often speaks to us about every day life. Do you hear Him? Oftentimes He speaks, but we chose not to listen by allowing the business of life block out His voice. I can tell you one thing I’ve learned, He never yells. His voice is quiet and subtle. His voice can only be heard when you focus on Him and give Him time to speak.

Maybe you are zipping through the day and wonder where God is. He is with you and wants to share some insight for today and prepare you for tomorrow. Keep an open ear to His calling and know that His message is important. Never disregard Him. Trust Him always and do what He says. Life will be full of blessings when you pick up on God’s call!

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