Monday, July 23, 2018

Though I walk in the midst of trouble, You will revive me; You will stretch out Your hand against the wrath of my enemies, and your right hand will save me. Psalm 138:7

You see them everywhere surrounding important people. From our President, to dignitaries, to movie and music stars and people of fame. They all have their own body guard. That person who is wise and can read people, knowing when danger approaches and takes action to protect those under their care. A body guard is even willing to take a bullet for the person they are protecting. A shield of sorts.

As Christians, we have a body guard, God. As a child of God, He watches over you 24/7, providing protection from the enemy, Satan. Beyond what the eyes can see, there is a spiritual war going on, and God’s team of guards is winning the battle. Ephesians 6:12 This morning, as I was thinking about this reality, I can recall times in my life when I could feel danger lurking, yet God knew to intervene and He provided a way of protection that no human could give me.

When you stay prayed up, you can almost see God working in your life to protect you from the flaming arrows of Satan. That’s the key, staying prayed up, staying in God’s word and making decisions that keep you away from the enemy’s turf. Some of our biggest mistakes in life could have been avoided if we simply stayed obedient to God and not pursued the lust of our flesh. Walk solely with God, trusting in His care and stay in touch with Him throughout the day. He has your back, side and front….trust Him with confidence as you move through the day! And be sure to thank Him! God bless!

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