Thursday, April 21, 2022

 And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulations produces perseverance; and perseverance, character, and character, hope. Romans 5:3-4


Yesterday’s blog was about the purpose in our trials and that good comes through everything we experience in life, good or bad. God’s purpose is to improve “you”! Today’s verse gives proof of what tribulations can do as you work your way through them and not give up. Giving up, is giving up on your faith in God to help see you through.


God promises to never abandon His children. He encourages us to seek “rest in Him” (Matthew 11:28). With this promise, we can free ourselves from the anxieties that come with tribulation and focus on growing our faith and Christ like character. Nothing should hinder our growth, that is why God gave us His Holy Spirit, as a mentor, encourager and eternal connection to His awesome power and insight.


There will never be a shortage of life’s troubles. Use the pressure of tribulations to mold you into the character God desires for your life; a life made into the image of Jesus Christ. Through every encounter you should see growth and changes in your thinking and hope for tomorrow. God bless!

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