Wednesday, April 6, 2022

 And whoever compels you to go one mile, go with him two. Matthew 5:41


It doesn’t take long to see the need of others right outside the front door of your home. People are dealing with anxiety, financial burdens, loss of employment, loss of a home, loss of hope. I’m sure there is someone you know personally who is in crises. What can you do?


First thing you should do is pray for them. Ask God to help them in their distress. Then ask God how you can be useful to God by reaching out to them. You might not feel like you have the wisdom, resources or time to help, but if the request is made to God, He will provide you with exactly what’s needed in that situation. Sometimes what God asks might seem a lot, but trust me friend, He will supply all your needs according to His riches by the glory of Jesus Christ (Philippians 4:19).


Take time today to pray for someone you know who is hurting or in need of assistance. Ask God to intervene and provide you the appropriate response. Go with that person, even to the second mile of help. Your acts of kindness will reflect upon them the love of Jesus Christ and bring them closer to your Savior. God bless!


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