Wednesday, April 20, 2022

 And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28


When things go right in life, you most likely feel good and have this confidence in your tomorrow. But when bad things happen, how do you respond? Life is like a mountain range, there are peaks and valleys, good times and bad. And to be honest, those rough days can drain you mentally, emotionally and even physically. Can there be any good in the bad times?


According to scripture, everything works out for your benefit when you seek after the wisdom of God. Before you even wake, God already knows what’s instore for you that day and works the details of each moment to grow you. From His mile high view, He knows even the worst days have purpose. His hands sift through the difficulties of life, just enough to grow your faith in Him, provide wisdom and oftentimes removes things that aren’t meant to be. As painful as they are, they are part of God’s plan to prosper you.


I encourage you to pray for God’s wisdom at the start of each day and accept what happens is part of God’s plan. You might not always understand at that moment why bad things happen, but eventually His plan will be revealed to you and the understanding that comes with that knowledge will grow your faith and trust in Him. He has your best interest at heart, trust me! When you seek after the good in bad times, life will remain a constant and peace will prevail even on the worst days! God bless!

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