Tuesday, April 26, 2022

 …in which it is impossible for God to lie.. Hebrews 6:18


If you spend much time on social media, read or hear the news, you realize everyone has an opinion about any topic concerning life. Sadly, many people take other’s opinions and statements and consider them truth, which in fact many times is further from the truth. This careless way of thinking will only lead someone further into wrong thinking and affect their life. Leaving you to ask, “where can I find the truth?”


Today’s scripture comes from the book of Hebrews and is clear: it’s impossible for God to lie. God is holy and righteous, everything in Him is pure and true. He is the purest form of truth you will ever find. His word, the bible, is full of life changing truths and wisdom that can guide you down a good path and provide blessings along the way. But the only way it will benefit you, you have to pick it up and read it daily. God will lead you through His word and apply its wisdom to your life’s situations.


The solid foundation of God’s word is available to you today. Don’t miss out on the freedom you have in this country to study it, learn it and let it guide you down a path of truth and righteousness. God has a message for you every day through His scriptures. Find it today in the word of God. God bless

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