Saturday, April 2, 2022

 Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may obtain it. 1 Corinthians 9:24


Prior to Covid, my wife and I made time to exercise several times a week at a local gym. I’d say we were pretty dedicated to staying healthy and exercise. Once Covid hit, everything went into lockdown, including us. The media and medical advisers made it seem like everything outside the door to our home was toxic, so we stayed in as much as possible. Over the past two years, the lack of exercise has resulted in me being over weight and out of shape. I regret my condition, but we are both trying to get back on track to good health.


I share this story to use it as an example of our Christian life. When the difficulties of life happen, how do you respond in faith? Do you go into lockdown, by blocking out your normal Chrisitan activities like church attendance, praying, reading God’s word and seeking to please Him? It’s easy to go into repair mode when bad things happen, we want to fix this so we can move on in life, leaving God out of the equation. Because of your isolation, you leave yourself vulnerable to satan’s attacks and you don’t hold up as long spiritually, emotionally, even physically. You, in essence, stop running the spiritual race you began a while ago.


If this is you, it’s time to get back into the race! God hasn’t called you to step off the spiritual track He set you on. He wants you to run the race with all of your faith and trust in Him. HE is your strength; HE is your mental and emotional stability; and HE has a plan to prosper you. But it won’t happen unless you keep in the race!


Regardless of what happens in your life, never give up on your dependence upon God. He loves you so much and nothing should derail your focus from the finish line. Run in such a way to win the blessings of God. God bless!

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