Tuesday, April 12, 2022

 But love your enemies, do good, and lend, hoping for nothing in return; and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High. For He is kind to the unthankful and evil. Luke 6:35


Take a moment and think about someone in your life who you consider an enemy. Think about what they’ve done to you. Now, think about what you’ve done to them. Have your actions toward them been in line with today’s passage? Most likely not, and that is quite understandable. As humans our natural tendency is to protect and defend ourselves using the same weapons directed toward us.


As a child of God, it’s important for you to maintain the consistent character of Jesus Christ. His own words in today’s passage are meant to stretch your faith, removing prideful ways and filling your heart with love which generates fruits of grace and mercy.


You might be thinking, but how can I do this when this enemy has totally destroyed what I’ve had…maybe your property, finances or taken a loved one from you.  As painful as it is, God has a plan for everything that happens in your life, good or bad (Romans 8:28). God often takes our losses and turns them into opportunities to fill us with something better.


Friend, there is nothing in your life greater than the love of Jesus Christ. And if you possess the Holy Spirit, you can love the unlovable. God might be doing a work in your life right now to align you with something more beautiful, but until then, keep reflecting that spirit of love towards your enemy. God will bless you and make peace with your enemies (Proverbs 16:7).


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