Friday, April 29, 2022

 My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow me. John 10:27

My wife and I are currently vacationing in our favorite place, the Great Smokey Mountains. One of my loves is sitting along a creek and listening to the water rustle over the rocks and take in the sounds of nature. Unfortunately, those wonderful sounds compete with the noise of the world: loud cars passing by, people's voices and airplanes overhead. But, in-between the passing sounds, my ears hear the sweet sounds of nature and my heart is full of joy. 

Living the Christian life is much like my experience in the woods. We long to hear the sweet words of Jesus guiding us through life. But oftentimes the noise of the world try to compete, even attempt to block out Jesus. Satan is good at making noise through trials, conflicts with people, envy and pride. 

We must make a way to keep our ears and hearts focussed on Jesus and block out the noisy messes of life. Quiet time in the morning is one great way to start the day off right, listening out for the good words of Jesus. They fill your heart with the right ingredients needed for the day's making and feeds the heart with goodness in a world not so good. 

Jesus is speaking, and if you can't hear Him, you need to walk further into His presence and further from the world's chaotic mess so you can be fed with love, wisdom and encouragement for the day. God bless! 

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