Friday, April 15, 2022


Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. James 4:7-8a


Ever feel at times like the devil is on you like bees on honey? It seems everywhere you turn, he is trying to bring chaos into your life and tempting you to do everything wrong when all you want to do is live for the Lord. I think all Christians come under strong bombardments from the enemy. What is the best thing you can do in times like this? Draw close to God.


You are my hiding place and my shield; I hope in your word. Psalm 119:114


The closer you get to God, the less space the devil has around you to attack. His power is greater than the devil and the devil knows this and will avoid being around you if God is clearly visible in your corner of the battle. He is like a big brother, intimidating the enemy.


One way the devil attacks is through temptation. Once he can get you to commit a sin, he uses guilt to make you feel unworthy to experience the forgiveness, grace and mercy of God. But it’s all just a lie. Jesus promises to forgive us when we bring our sins to Him and ask for forgiveness.


Maybe you are feeling locked down by the wrong things you’ve done or currently in the middle of a battle with the devil. Draw near to God through prayer, obedient living and seeking His grace and mercy… and He will draw near to you. The devil doesn’t stand a chance when God is around. Call upon Him today and stay shielded from the attacks by the wings of His love and protection. God bless!   



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