Monday, April 4, 2022

 Therefore, whatever you want men to do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets. Matthew 7:12


In most cases, how you are treated by others is usually a reflection of how you treat those around you. If you give others respect, they will in turn respect you, if you treat others with kindness, they in turn will treat you kindly. It goes both ways, but the truth is, it starts with you!


Sometimes though, you’ll encounter a spirit that is contrary to yours. One prime example is a classic narcissist. No matter what you do to give them kindness, they will turn it against you and try to shame you. They always want to be the one on top and will stand on you to get there. How do you handle this kind of person who represents just the opposite of the kindness you are trying to give? The grace and mercy of Jesus Christ.


“See that no one renders evil to anyone, but always pursue what is good both for yourselves and for all.” 1 Thessalonians 5:15


How you respond to their critical spirit is a prime opportunity to show them the true character of Christ. This means you have to be the good guy for both of you when everything inside of you screams revenge and fight back. It requires a humble spirit and one full of love wrapped in patience. I’ve learned over the years that a positive response to a negative, throws a little water on their fire.


As you prepare to face your world today, begin in prayer, asking God to help instill in you the character of Christ so you can reflect His love outward and in faith receive back blessings of kindness throughout the day. God bless!




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