Tuesday, April 19, 2022

 You have heard that it was said, “And eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth”. But I tell you not to resist an evil person. But whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also. Matthew 5:38-39


The truth is, we live in a fallen world. People will fail you, let you down, and not meet your expectations. Some of these people are the closest to your heart. And when this happens, you hurt, and hurt badly. As a result, resentment slowly creeps into your heart and a hardness for that person develops. Has this happened to you?


God never intended for His children to have a harden heart. As the heart hardens towards your offender, you have less grace and mercy for him/her. Eventually that bleeds over into other relationships. Eventually you will drain whatever joy you had and stay trapped in this toxic view of the world around you.


Happy is the man who is always reverent, but he who hardens his heart will fall into calamity. Proverbs 28:14


Maybe it’s time to reset your heart and empty the resentment that you’ve built up against this person(s). Ask God to help you forgive them for their wrongdoing, to fill the heart with the unconditional love of Christ, so you can go about your day, full of grace and mercy for those who are a slap in your face. Turn the cheek in love, just as your loving Savior did 2,000 years ago. Leave no room for resentment and revenge. God bless!

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