Sunday, April 3, 2022

 The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears, and delivers them out of all their troubles. Psalm 34:17


My wife and I attended a local market in a nearby town yesterday. The crowd of people and vehicle traffic was almost overwhelming. As we walked through the crowds of people, I heard the sirens of a fire truck and thought he’s gonna have a tough time navigating through all this traffic, delaying his arrival to the rescue. Through a series of starts and stops, changing lanes, he got through the congestion and hopefully nothing burned up by the time he got there!


As Christians, our 911 is never further than a simple prayer asking for help. As today’s verse says, when we ask for help, God hears his children and delivers them out of their troubles. There is one special gift given to all of His children:


“Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?”


This is so fascinating to me and as I get older and experience more of His presence in my life, I realize that everything I encounter, He is right there with me through it all by His Holy Spirit living inside of me. So why wouldn’t He want to protect and help me, He is in me. There is NO delay in God’s call for help. He knows the need and begins to respond. Sometimes though, the results of His response may not be evident at first. Sometimes it might not be evident for a brief time, even a long time, but He does answer our call for help and responds in the best way possible.


If you are a believer in Jesus Christ, you have a built in 911 system that never fails and responds quicker than any conventional emergency response system. Don’t delay your cry for help, call upon Him through prayer when troubles are on the horizon and let Him provide the help you need. God bless!

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